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Thread: BBS

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Smile BBS

    If not a BBS, what is the point of shaving? The purpose of shaving is to make seem you don't have a beard. Oh, by the way, just because I can hone a razor shave ready and can shave BBS condition, does not take me out of newbie status. Getting lucky once in a while does not make me an expert in six months. I am sure others can confirm to this. Juan.

  2. #2
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    I do it for the sheer enjoyment of the shave.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    For me, true BBS will take many passes due to the direcction of my beard in the neck area under the chin. so I quit after WTG, XTG and ATG.

    By the way I could not reply to your PM, don't know the reason.

    Saludos !

  4. #4
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navaja View Post
    For me, true BBS will take many passes due to the direcction of my beard in the neck area under the chin. so I quit after WTG, XTG and ATG.

    By the way I could not reply to your PM, don't know the reason.

    Saludos !
    Probably because he got banned

  5. #5
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    Default Straigth Shaving Benefits

    For me, It has always be about BBS or nothing and I get it done in three quality passes. I do have hairs on my neck growing in different directions as well.

    Last edited by Pabster; 06-26-2009 at 02:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Being new at this BBS must be a goal if not the goal. I enjoy all aspects of "the shave" Honing, Stroping , Lathering, you get the picture. Also there are just so many different sizes, shapes, and styles of razors how will I know which one I perfer if I didn't enjoy trying them all. To me there is so much to the art shaving I'll never learn it all but someday I want that BBS Shave.

  7. #7
    Senior Member 8BallAce's Avatar
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    Personally BBS shave is not the goal every time I shave. Usually I get a very close shave (even BBS in some areas like my cheeks) with a two pass shave. This is my daily shave. If I know I am going out, have a date, special occasion, etc. then I will do a third or forth pass and get BBS. However, my usual goal is to have a comfortable shave and an enjoyable experience. My hair grows in a lot of different directions on my neck, so I don't need absolutely smooth every day.

  8. #8
    Shvaing nut jbcohen's Avatar
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    +1 on dan's words and i would like to add that you take yourself out of the newbie status when you feel that you don't warant the lbale any longer. My test to see if I have graduated from the newbie status is this: Can I shave without cutting myself and with adequate speed to do the job in 15 minutes? Something that has not happened as yet. I have narrowed the cuts from four to one but I still lack the speed.

  9. #9
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbcohen View Post
    +1 on dan's words and i would like to add that you take yourself out of the newbie status when you feel that you don't warant the lbale any longer. My test to see if I have graduated from the newbie status is this: Can I shave without cutting myself and with adequate speed to do the job in 15 minutes? Something that has not happened as yet. I have narrowed the cuts from four to one but I still lack the speed.
    Speed will come on its own. Enjoy the journey. Be your future, see your future. Be ball danny

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