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Thread: My story

  1. #1
    Shvaing nut jbcohen's Avatar
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    Default My story

    I might as well tell my tale, its a long story that has led me through everything with a blade.

    I started shaving when I was thirteen and I was affraid of cutting myself. So I picked up with a Remington foil electric. Never cut myself ever but then again never ever ever got an adequate shave out of the things. My pop was always after me to shave better, pointing out what I had done wrong.

    At the age of thirty-five and many years of hounding from pop I finally said enough with all that and threw away approximatly three foil and two rotary electrics. None of them had done an adequate job and picked up a Fusion that Proctor and Gamble had sent me years before. After one month I had it with that thing, my face looked like it had gone through a meat grinder each and every time. I picked up another freebie a Mach 3 and shaved with that for approximatly two weeks. The Mach did better then the fuison but still not adequate. By then I noticed a trend, the older the shave method the better the shave so I went to CVS and bought a Sensor Excell (unfortunately this one was not free). The Sensor beat both the Mach and the Fusion so I started to go real retro and got a 70s Super Speed (my face will not allow any Gillette brand blades ever) and that beat out all the proceeding three.

    Since then I went as far retro as I could and got a 1901 gillette (can't remember which model it is). That 1901 was my go to shaver. That's when the Dovo took over, its even more retro then the 1901 is and I have never looked back. Unfortuantely I get up real early in the morning to get to work on time and have 15 minutes to shave and I have not developed the prowess with the straight blade yet. So I am using the 1901 in the morning to make sure I get to work on time then I am using the dovo on the week-ends to develop the skill with the blade. I hope to upgrade entirely to the Dovo once I can manage to get the necessary prowess with the blade.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ronnie brown's Avatar
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    welcom to srp and it will only get better.

  3. #3
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    Default starting out

    You may want to try out straight shaving on a Saturday so you have no time pressures. It takes a while to become truly proficient.

    I started the first day on a 2 week vacation and after two weeks, I was still learning to do better and my shaving time dropped from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. Now I am doing it in 20 minutes or less.

    Welcome to taking the first step of Staight Shaving.


  4. #4
    Shvaing nut jbcohen's Avatar
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    I typically bring out the straight on saturdays and sundays and holidays. This week-end I will bring it out on friday, saturday and sunday since this week-end is the 4th.

  5. #5
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    wow, a red block.

    Keep enjoying the straight

  6. #6
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    I get such a close shave with the straight that I generally shave before I go to bed. It is also a relaxing routine-- i swear I sleep better (could be I'm just so happy I survived a shave that any other problem seems small...).


  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BHChieftain View Post
    I get such a close shave with the straight that I generally shave before I go to bed. It is also a relaxing routine-- i swear I sleep better (could be I'm just so happy I survived a shave that any other problem seems small...).

    +1 I shave in the evening also and the shave is more than good for the next day. I find it clears my mind of the days annoyances and lets me focus on my shave with no rush and no lines at the bathroom door. Just a small piece of heaven.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

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