Hi, I've been looking for an answer to my problems and I think straight razor shaving will at least help, if not cure the problem.

I'm 16, and my facial hair is just starting to get thick and grow fast this past 6 months (aside from my sideburns, which have been going full bore for a couple years).

Anyway, the problem is every time I shave I get bad razor bumps and acne due to ingrown hairs,probably from bad shaving technique or something.

I've tried showering first, which helps quite a bit. I've tried different razors etc' and the first shave on a new razor always gives me bumps, the second turns out alright, same the next 2 or 3, then the razor needs replaced.

It's really getting on my nerves. I finally get past the teenage acne thing, but now that I shave it's like it's starting all over again. I'm actually just fine if I let it grow out, no acne, no soreness, etc', but since my facial hair isn't fully matured, I end up looking scruffy and like I'm trying to act more mature or look older or something and totally failing at it, which is worse then the acne.

So...do you think straight shaving is the thing for me? I'm not adverse to risk. I'm the kind of person who enjoys an adventure, especially when it's competitive and there's a high chance of injury. So maybe if I get into it I'll have to make some of my friend or brother start so I have some drive to get better at it.I'm an avid dirtbiker, hunter, amateur gunsmith, so I'm definitely used to cut fingers, papers cuts, broken bones, horribly mutilated limbs, spraying blood, you know, that sort of thing.

Ok, maybe not the last two, but you get the point.

Anyways, Any thoughts?

Unfortunately here in Idaho (I guess like the rest of the country) I can't get a decent job, so my budget will probably be about $50-60 for a whole kit, and looking around, it just doesn't seem like enough. I've checked the thrift store and the only pawn shop around, and they have nadda. So any ideas on the economical route would be great too.

On a side note, I have plenty of time and patience to learn. I'm home schooled, so I have plenty of time in the morning before I go to seminary and shop/sports at the high school. My morning are usually boring and I find my self with a lot of spare time that needs to be used before I get too bored and do something I'll regret (yeah, it's happened in the past).

I'm really looking forward to starting this. I've read a lot on it and watched some videos. I think it'd be a great confidence booster and conversation topic, plus it'd make me feel and look better.

Thanks so much for your help!

Josh H.