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Thread: First Shave!

  1. #11
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatpanda View Post
    This cracked me up!!!

    I am sure it is my technique also, this thing is sharp!! Is this scything motion a motion that has both a downward and a forward component combined together (more downward than forward)?

    I also have another question, When I am in the middle of the shave and I want to wash my face and re-lather for a second pass, is it common to put the blade gently down on the counter or do you just hold the razor in one hand and wash your face with the other.
    Yes, the way you interpreted the motion is correct, and it is more downward than forward.

    Do whatever is comfortable for you. My bathroom is in the basement with just a pedestal sink so I don't have any good place to set razors down. For that reason I continue to hold the razor in my right hand and rinse off my face and re-lather with my left. I always figure the razor is safer in my hand in my bathroom and at the gym. If you have a nice wide counter-top surface, you can put the razor down on a wash cloth, or something else soft, to protect the razor.

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  3. #12
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatpanda View Post
    This cracked me up!!!

    I also have another question, When I am in the middle of the shave and I want to wash my face and re-lather for a second pass, is it common to put the blade gently down on the counter or do you just hold the razor in one hand and wash your face with the other.
    I keep a dry towel folded up next to the sink. When I want to rinse off my face or re-lather, I place the razor, open, on the towel.

    I keep another hand towel on the other side of the sink, and use that to keep my shaving hand dry-- you really need to watch out for getting shaving cream on the tang or the shaving hand-- it gets REAL SLIPPERY and you can easily lose your grip.


  4. #13
    Junior Member fatpanda's Avatar
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    oh, my wife took some nice pictures....
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