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Thread: Problem razors?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Ironbeard's Avatar
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    Default Problem razors?

    Some of you may recall my earlier thread where I was trying to sharpen a razor on a barber hone (and butchering myself). Well, I broke down and bought a 1000/6000 grit japanese water stone on Amazon for $30. Great deal, same outcome. Then I tried another razor on the water stone, finishing on the barber hone, and got it so sharp I accidentally sliced the corner off a piece of paper putting it down. That blade shaves great! It just kind of knocked the whiskers over with no pressure at all. So what gives with the firt blade? (It's a Germania.) Do I have a problem child here? I hit it with the water stone, and now seem to be getting the suggestion of sharpness by ever so gently passing it on the barber hone, but I'm dubious.

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    It sounds like another case of going up the progression before having the bevel fully set. I'd suggest you go back to the 1k hone and work it there more until you are getting a good bite on the thumb pad test.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    It sounds like another case of going up the progression before having the bevel fully set. I'd suggest you go back to the 1k hone and work it there more until you are getting a good bite on the thumb pad test.
    +1....Most of us go through this,,,go back and set that bevel. Sounds like that is your problem.
    Having Fun Shaving

  4. #4
    Junior Member Ironbeard's Avatar
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    Interesting. I didn't realize the TPT would work at 1000 grit; I was just doing TNT at that grit. I'll keep working it.

  5. #5
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    You can get a razor to pass the arm hair test off the 1k hone . That is , cutting arm hair above the skin . You need to use only the weight of the blade on the hone , and no other pressure on the blade in order to do it .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

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