shorynot if I skin stretch anywhere but my chin I get ingrowns, and the solution was exactly what you do! Gently blowing means my cheeks are concave out, but since its gentle it flattens them perfectly when a razor goes over them... and I though I was the only one...
and richmondesi another coincidence! Moving your face is a lot more stable than moving your hand. I did this at first. though once you learn the angles its faster and easier to freehand it.

But my contribution is these two things-
-Newspaper works like CrOx though not as well- needs more laps more often and I don't will KEEP a blade, just prolong its dulling. Newspaper was my only strop for 2 weeks, and a touch up thingy for 3 months til I got a barber hone.
-Buy the best your budget can afford. (within reason... a Dovo Redwood is the same as a Dovo snakewood, the $80 price difference is in the scales...)

A general list.
-Experimenting yields good results
-Ask specific questions, asking general questions often leaves out the most specific helpful answers
-Ask lots of questions