So.... Here is what not to do. Nick yourself all over and irritate your skin real good shaving. Then, if it is not painful enough, splash some handfuls of aquavelva aftershave on your face! OMG! OUCH! I think there was a seen from the movie Home Alone to that point....

Anyway, this was my 3rd shave. My face was a little irritated from getting used to the 1st and 2nd shaves. I don't know what I did different, but I ended up nicking my face all up. My face was red, swollen, and scabby when I went into work and got lots of questions such as... " Geesh! What happened to your face!!!"

So, I didn't think I ws digging in with the point or anything. I stropped 30 times both canvas and leather. I had a great lather. Shaved after showering with lots of prep. Did everything I knew to do.

Can anyone tell me what I did wrong?

My Straight is off limits until I figure this out. I have to be in a wedding in the next few weeks.

Thanks for everyone's help!