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  1. #1
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Now that I am thinking about it, I'll stick my neck out and say that the "honing" section shouldn't really be completely blank should it? I mean, the Filly comes with CrO, so surely paste is a newbie-compatible thing. Maybe we should include the make your own pasted strop/paddle for <$10 link? I know its in the wiki somewheres.

  2. #2
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaos View Post
    Now that I am thinking about it, I'll stick my neck out and say that the "honing" section shouldn't really be completely blank should it? I mean, the Filly comes with CrO, so surely paste is a newbie-compatible thing. Maybe we should include the make your own pasted strop/paddle for <$10 link? I know its in the wiki somewheres.
    I could see the honing section listing a barber's hone or some honing paste for the purpose of upkeep on your razors edge (for those beginners to honing).

    Although I imagine the entry already there about sending the razor out to be honed is also a valid point for maintaining the edge.

    Possibly also adding a link to the wiki on honing for the beginners that want to get into more advanced honing/restoration.

    although I'll leave that entry to someone with more experience than myself.

  3. #3
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Barber's hone = expensive (comparitively)
    This is a cheap section remember?

  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Another old thread

  5. #5
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaos View Post
    Barber's hone = expensive (comparitively)
    This is a cheap section remember?
    I'm aware this is the budget section, I am a newb myself and have not yet priced a single honing product. I was just using Barber's Hone as an example of honing product that exists. Allow me to reword that...

    If there is a reputable product out there to hone your razor simply for basic edge upkeep and it is reasonably priced comparative to other fancier honing products. I don't see why It couldn't be added to the statement that is currently listed in the article.

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    There are already multiple hone/honing references in the Wiki from Barber's hones to Shapton's and beyond... I think you guys were on the right track with getting beginners "shaving on a budget" but once people are ready to look at hones they should be able to find the other info....

  7. #7
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    let me emphasize glen's post.
    we're talking low cost here no?
    newbies should just stay away from abrasives, there's no faster way to dull a blade while thinking that you're actually sharpening it (breadknifing is faster).

    once guys who don't even know how to shave start looking into abrasives the budget should be increased to acomodate a honing job to fix the damage.

  8. #8
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    I was just saying CrO, cus the Filly has it and I've it useful. Granted I like and use the Swaty more, but before I had that it was CrO a little and CeO more so on balsa.
    I mean, you can roll your edge on a strop and you're not gonna take strops off of there cus of incorrect use right?
    I agree honing should be kept out. But strop paste could be a good thing, if used right. That's the last I'll say cus I don't wanna get in over my head. Just IME, strop paste is only slightly harder than stropping. Just need to add the caveat that "if you use strop paste, read up about where to get it, how to apply it, and how to use it before you actually do".

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