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  1. #1
    is Over 9000!!!!
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    Arrow Greetings Gentlemen

    I'm new to this straight shaving world and I must admit it's rather involving and addicting I might add. Granted I don't have my razor sets yet as all I've been doing is research ad nauseum and now it's just applying what I've learned.. I've not even shaved yet I'm already sucked in. I'm into cars as well but I wasn't so drawn to it the way straight shaving. I don't know how to explain it, I know it in my head I hope that makes sense :P :Beer:

    I'd so many bookmarked that I decided to categorize each into a folder be it honing, stropping, shaving etc... so I can easily gain access to them when needed.

    I picked up a dozen samples of soaps and test aftershave from Colleen ( thegentlemensquarter ). A razor set from SRD, and 2 used razors from classifieds. Pretty sure I would've bought more if the $30-35 ones weren't sold. Acquisition disease p3wns me :P

    Anyway, I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for the knowledge you've provided in threads as well as Wiki section not to mention the camaraderie is indescribably awesome

    I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you. :thumbup:

    To you guys honemeisters, stropmeisters and everyone else I think the knowledge acquired is great way to applying methods but there's no stopping there as there's always room for improvement/advancement: one can always read and learn from others :beer:

    Wish me luck.

    Thanks and Godspeed

    Last edited by SiRed8; 08-12-2009 at 12:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    welcome and good luck. just remember to take it slow and do not give up. each shave will get better and you will enjoy it more every shave. ask lots of questions here and read the wiki for info. the members here will help with any and all questions that you may have.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mbwhoosh's Avatar
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    What 9000!!!!!!!! sorry couldn't resist


    you have a nice set up going for just starting remember to take it slow and enjoy the shave.

    what razors did you aquire? Hopefully some ones w/ different grinds(xtra hollow-wedge)

  4. #4
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    welcome to srp, keep us posted how it goes

  5. #5
    Senior Member Deryan's Avatar
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    Hola and Welcome from WI

  6. #6
    is Over 9000!!!!
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    haha thanks I really am anxious to be honest with you guys I'm worried about shaving the neck. Until I read Lynn's post about just doing just sideburns at first and proceed when I get comfortable. However I still find myself thinking about it to point of simulating the motions. Even go so far as use butter knife to simulate stropping and honing.

    I don't know if there's a thread here but I guess it depends on individual, how long did it take you guys to get accustomed to straight shaving?

    I got 5/8 in Dovo Best Quality and Blue Pakkawood, Torrey Hollow ground(?), and Boker King cutter.

    I guess I should shave with the used prior to new ones so I could get a feel for it? And practice my honing to judge quality

    There's so much I still need to read and re-read. I know this isn't overnight I feel like I'm in college cramming again hahah :P

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Welcome indeed to SRP. Sounds like you're well on your way to some kind of disorder,,,so you'll fit right in here.
    Having Fun Shaving

  8. #8
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Again Welcome, this is the place to learn and then share knowledge with others. Shaving is an art and it does take time so be patient and enjoy.

  9. #9
    Senior Member mbwhoosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiRed8 View Post

    I don't know if there's a thread here but I guess it depends on individual, how long did it take you guys to get accustomed to straight shaving?

    I got 5/8 in Dovo Best Quality and Blue Pakkawood, Torrey Hollow ground(?), and Boker King cutter.
    everyone learns at different levels and are good and bad at different things. I started str8t and DE (double edge) shaving at the same time I picked up the DE instantly the str8t I've been using for about 2 1/2 weeks and still have some trouble but am improving everytime.

    I had trouble learning how to hold the razor at first(my hand kept cramping cause I wasn't use to holding it) I watched bladeweilder and xman's videos to get ideas on different grips. It took about 3 shaves till I finally got confident holding the razor then I worked on getting bbs on my cheeks first then neck and chin.

    Jockey's video explaing the sideways neck pass really helped get my neck smooth and I eventually figured out I prefer wedges to holows, now I just have to get my chin down without nicking myself.

    Plus you gotta learn lathering, stropping, and later down the road honing so it is alot to take in. Like I said go slow do research and ask lots of questions. Everyone here is very helpful and knowledgable (and not just about shaving).

    Those are some nice razors I got an old boker eldeweiss I gotta get restored can't wait to try it ^_^

    I would suggest starting w/ one of the roundpoints because it is common to nick and ear lobe when starting out because your not used to the lenght of the razor.

    If you bought your razors from srd and the classifieds they should come shave ready so I would shave without stropping the first time so you know what they should feel like. Then if roll the edge stropping you'll know it was your error and not a bad honing.

    sorry for the rant hope this helps!

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to mbwhoosh For This Useful Post:

    xman (08-12-2009)

  11. #10
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Smile Welcome, Ivan

    It looks like you're bound to enjoy the learning curve which is a good thing in my book.


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