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  1. #1
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    Default Making your own strop?

    I was wondering if it's common at all, and if you need a particular type of leather. My girlfriend's grandpa was a leather smith and when we cleaned out their old cabin we found roles of leather of various types. I was thinking about finding one that seemed most like a "professionally" made strop and trying to make my own. If you guys have done this, are there special things I might need to know or a tutorial online or anything, or just have at it and make it to my liking?

  2. #2
    FTG is offline
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    Here's a link to some DIY equipment in the Wiki (see also top left of this screen):
    Categoryo It Yourself - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Also do a search using words like 'home-made' and 'strop'.

    Have a look in the strop section of the forum.

    Basically you're looking for smooth leather.

    I made mine using leather I happened to have and it seems to be working fine (haven't dulled the blade) - but I haven't compared mine to a store bought one.

    This is mine: (pics a bit blurry) -

    Gotta say - it is satisfying using things that you've made yourself (so long as they work of course!!)

    All the best,

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  4. #3
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    I have never made my own strop, but many people have, and it's really very simple.

    A strop is nothing more than a piece of leather of the right shape. Usually 18-24 inches long, and 1.5-3" wide, with some sort of hardware or lanyard to hang it from on one end. Handles on the other end are optional.

    Latigo and horsehide are probably the two more common, with horsehide being generally considered somewhat better by most people. Personally, I'm very happy with my latigo strop.

    I think there is information on the subject in the wiki, and if not, the strop forum contains several discussions on the subject.

  5. #4
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    I didn't even realize there was a strop section! How did I miss that??? Thanks, guys.

  6. #5
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    Hell ya making your own strop is great!!!! I have a 3" red latigo strop that is home made and I love it. For me it was a trip to a local saddle and boot shop and telling him what I wanted and getting some leather and hardware, not to mention the cost was great. We rolled out a full hide of 12oz red latigo and cut out the chunk that I wanted.

    Just look for a good smooth piece and go from there.

    Good luck and have fun!!

  7. #6
    Senior Member ThePhill's Avatar
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    And they turned out something like this......

    Steph had the idea, we got the stuff to do it, he showed me about how I needed to cut them, and I went to town. Not too bad for having never done any leather work before....

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to ThePhill For This Useful Post:

    rcardon (08-16-2009)

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