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  1. #1
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    Default 2nd Straight Shave Question

    I completed my 2nd straight shave today and it went quite well. A couple of weepers but no cuts. I got a super close shave. I am still working out the weird feeling of holding a straight but I know that will come. On my jawline I a feeling of tightness, razor burn. It doesn't hurt but it feels identical to when I am too lazy to put a fresh blade in my DE. My question is whether my angle was wrong. I can't believe my razor was too dull--it is only the 2nd time I have used it. Could stropping be the issue, am I not stropping enough?

  2. #2
    Bon Viveur dannywonderful's Avatar
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    It's possible poor stropping has dulled the edge a little, but it's equally likely that too much pressure, or the wrong angle is to blame.

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    it's most likely wrong angle and too much pressure. and i'm pretty sure your stropping can be better too, but the edge is probbly good enough.

  4. #4
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    I find the "super close shave" unsettling. Unless you are a natural talent, you should not be getting super close shave any time soon. If you do, it will most likely be due to too much pressure, which would fit in nicely with the rest of the problems you described.

    As far as dull blades are concerned, that is easily done with bad stropping in a very short time. Does the razor still pop hair off your arms along the entire length of the blade abvove the skin? There is a Wiki article on the Hanging Hair Test which you might also find useful.

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