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Thread: Progress Update

  1. #1
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Default Progress Update

    Well been at it for a few months now. Put away the Mach3 permanently about 2 weeks in. I figured once I could shave my entire face with the straight, any poor shave quality would be incentive to improve (and it has) as opposed to continuing to use the Mach3 as a back up.

    First couple of times I did a full shave, my face was a little sore from poor angles, technique, prep; you know the usual newb stuff. With practice everything is getting better, better lather, closer shaves, almost no irritation.

    Still having some trouble right around the chin and the jawline right next to the chin. I'm getting better even with my chin each shave but I'm not quite there yet. I learn a little bit each time I shave and can already see my last few problem areas slowly getting better.

    Still reading the forums everyday just to keep my knowledge keen. Also still winning the fight against RAD but I'm working on adjusting my finances so I'll have a little extra money (lets see how long I hold off RAD after that).

    Just thought I'd throw out an update.

  2. #2
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    Glad to hear the shaves are going well! You're a better person than me, staving off RAD as long as you have.

  3. #3
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    sounds like you are coming along nicely. it does take time and is kinda slow learning curve, more so for some than others, i was a little slower but glad i kept going...good luck

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    It's great to hear that you are improving and hanging in there. Believe me , you will get a better shave with more practice. The chin and jawline are the toughest to master and take extra practice. Keep it up and remind yourself always to fight the urge to use pressure on the blade. Sometimes when we don't get a close enough shave , we un-knowingly add pressure to get closer.
    Having Fun Shaving

  5. #5
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    I've been shaving with a straight for 2 1/2 years , now . After my first month I didn't want to shave any other way , and it only gets better .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  6. #6
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Good deal!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBaron View Post
    Still reading the forums everyday just to keep my knowledge keen. Also still winning the fight against RAD but I'm working on adjusting my finances so I'll have a little extra money (lets see how long I hold off RAD after that).
    Now this sounds like you're well on path to loosing the battle you're mentioning, in fact you've pretty much given up already

  7. #7
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    The one thing that made my straight shaves more comfortable than any safety razor or cartridge razor: watching x-man's single hand shaving technique. Even if you don't shave single-handed, watch his over-all technique. The man *concentrates* on every single move. He shaves with surgical precision, and if you do the same, you'll be rewarded with baby butt smooth skin and far less irritation than the equivalent level of closeness with a cartridge or safety razor. Relax, get a good mirror, use it up close and personal like X does, and be precise.

  8. #8
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Well done Sir and keep up the good work, everytime I shave is different from the last, only problem I have is I only get to shave once a day! ... lol

    As for RAD. good luck with

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