Well I have been mostly lurking around here for over a month now and have been gleaning lots of great info from the fantastic members on SRP. I purchased a straight from hi_bud_gl that I have been learning with. I shave every two to three days and have always had to follow up with my old triple blade.

I have been dreaming of the day I could toss that thing away and tonight, for the first time, I didn't feel the need to follow up with it! I felt pretty satisfied with the shave I got from my straight and left it at that.

I am ashamed to admit that I still use a Walmart brush and shave soap but with a little work I can get a pretty good lather. One day when I get a little extra cash I will try the fancy stuff. I keep it hot with a self watering planter/bowl (another walmart purchase but a good one this time). I heard about in another forum on SRP and it works great.

I am still struggling with my chin and mustache and trying to get my whole face BBS but each time I get a little better. And, being determined to finish the job, I always end up with lots of bumps and razor burn! Another problem area is the hollow parts on either side of my neck and under my jaw bone. Seems like no matter how I stretch the skin or turn the razor my razor drags on a higher part of my neck.

I would appreciate any advice especially on the mustache. Seems like not matter what I do I can't get it smooth. The blade always grabs when I try to go ATG but going WTG doesn't get all the hairs no matter how many passes I make.