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  1. #1
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    Default Did I dull my new razor

    I have a new Dovo Prima Klang from SRD. So I know it arrived sharp after Lynn honed it.

    I have shaved 4 times with it, and each time the sensation is a pulling and tugging of the whiskers. It seems it should slice those whiskers with ease and with little resistance. A DE Feather blade cuts my coarse beard with no pulling or resistance.

    I have tried varying the angle, and use Trumpers soap.
    Did I mess up / dull the razor from improper stropping? .....Suggestions

    Thank you for your time & energy!

  2. #2
    Member MuzzleVelocity's Avatar
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    are pulling the skin tight as you shave? When I was starting out, what I thought was stretching my skin (I realized later) was nowhere near tight enough. If you find it hard to get a really tight grip because your face is wet and soapy, hold a tissue in your hand to get a better grip.

    When the razor hits a tough whisker on skin that isn't drum-tight, the skin will stick and move with the blade, resulting in pulling and possibly nicking. But if the skin is stretched tight enough to make it ridgid and immobile, that whisker will pop right off when the blade hits it.

    so keep firm pressure with the hand thats doing the stretching, but a very light grip with the razor hand, so that the blade can flex in your fingers if it does get stuck.

  3. #3
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    You probably should not have stropped it.We see this problem frequently with newer shavers.That blade should not pull or tug at all.Stretching the skin can help,but if the razor is no longer sharp,it's not a good idea.I would suggest having the razor re-done professionally(maybe call SRD and tell what happened).Get a few shaves in before stropping so you'll know how it should feel.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    A few possibilities to ponder. 1-Your stropping dulled the blade, 2-your technique is off. Watch you blade angles and pressure as you shave. Its one of those two things.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
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    Try and contact Lynn. He will be able to help you through this. You probably mucked up the edge stropping, but how bad is really hard to tell without seeing it. You might be able to reclaim your edge by doing some very light stropping on a hard strop with Crox. If that doesn't work then you might want to send it out and get it re-honed.



  6. #6
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    Let me stir the pot a bit. I bought a Dovo Bismarck from SRD. I'm certain it was sharp upon arrival. The first shave was awful. I spoke with Lynn who suggested stropping as I usually do instead of the thirty on leather I gave it before the first shave. The next shave was 180 degrees different.

    Unless your technique is way off, I'd strop it fifty on canvas and one hundred on leather, then shave.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

  7. #7
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    To me it sounds like beard prep might need some attention as well as Technique. Get that skin moisturized with HOT water and a towel. Let the whiskers grow a day or three for leverage. I don't have one but that Prima Klange is a very thin, and therefore light in weight, and a far more flexible cutting edge. The feather (which I do have) is like a brick on top of a record needle in comparison. The Extra weight from the Wedge Feather may have more stability on Noob face. The opposite is expected from The Prima Klange. I could go on if you need. Does anyone else see my point?

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