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  1. #11
    Ravenous Bugblatter Beast radaddict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sillyfishyboy View Post
    Fortunately I got into the habit of stropping before and after every shave, but last night I found one of the hidden benefits of this practice.

    Last night I went to have a quick shave, and grabbed the razor next in the rotation (only two), cleaned off the oil, ran it under some hot water and then took it to the strop. Even though I try to strop very lightly, my first pass almost destroyed my strop by scraping off the surface. After looking at the razor very closely. I saw that the edge seemed to be folded over. Fortunately I was able to use my backup but was pretty annoyed that somehow I must have banged the edge of my favorite blade. Although after some thought I shudder to think what it would have done to my face if I hadnt stropped first. Assumably since the edge was folded, the sharp edge would never be pointing to my face, but it was also left with a number of nicks which could have been pretty nasty.

    After grumbling about for a bit, my wife finally admitted that she had used it to cut a plastic strap off a delivery. Even though I had told her numerous times that the edge was delicate and it was never to be used for anything other than shaving. She thought I must have been exagerating and assumed I would never notice. Hmmm.
    Needless to say I now need to get a new strop and repair my razor.
    I have a japanese 1k and 6k waterstone and I had a belgian Yellow coticule on order which should arrive some time this week. Would this be ok to bring the edge back or do I really need to send it off to be professionally honed?

    Any thoughts appreciated.
    Buy her a dozen roses and tell her you wanted to make her feel better because you could see how badly she felt. Then, when she's hugging you, tell her you're just glad you decided (at the last minute) to strop the blade, otherwise it would be your face cut up and not your strop. Milk it for all it's worth.

    As for repairing the blade... you have (or will have) the tools necessary to do it. It's up to you whether you want to go through the learning curve with this particular razor or not. My suggestion would be to send it out and get yourself an ebay special to practice honing. That would be perfect. Get a cheap ebay special and give it to your wife to use to open packages. Then you can learn honing from repairing those blades.
    Last edited by radaddict; 11-09-2009 at 05:49 PM.

  2. #12
    Junior Member sillyfishyboy's Avatar
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    Buy her a dozen roses and tell her you wanted to make her feel better because you could see how badly she felt. Then, when she's hugging you, tell her you're just glad you decided (at the last minute) to strop the blade, otherwise it would be your face cut up and not your strop. Milk it for all it's worth.
    Evil, pure evil .. although ...??
    I could always try claiming that the strop was given to me by my father on his death bed, handed down to him by his father and so on. Although she is probably aware that my father is still alive. And I have this sneaky feeling that she may have bought it for me in the first place. Unfortunatly the personal injury angle is out, she is an A+E nurse in an increasingly jaded health-care system and unless I am literally dying on the floor, there is a good chance she will tell me to stop being so lazy and to clean up the blood before it stains the carpet.

    Thanks JimmyHAD, I will give the back-honing a try.

  3. #13
    Senior Member cutalot's Avatar
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    Red face

    just get a new strop and figger your ahead of the game. if your score card reads like mine its abought 6 zillion to 3 at this point.quit while your ahead

  4. #14
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    A good honing and it'll be fine, just ship it out to one of the master's here and they'll help you out.

    No comment on the wife touching your razor part of the story.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Fido's Avatar
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    I read the original post to my wife.

    I've just had complaints about what I've done to her kitchen knives by opening parcels or using them for DIY tasks.

    And for using fabric scissors to cut thick paper or board.

    So I will be more careful in future. She won't be touching my razors!

  6. #16
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    "Take my wife" "Please". "Henney Youngman"

    Don't go to the light. bj

  7. #17
    Junior Member sillyfishyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fido View Post
    I've just had complaints about what I've done to her kitchen knives by opening parcels or using them for DIY tasks.

    And for using fabric scissors to cut thick paper or board.

    So I will be more careful in future.
    Good point!
    I dont think I want her to remember the times I made catapults from her bras, santa sacks from her tights, masks from the pillow cases, borowed the lcd from the microwave. Left notes with her lipstick, mascara pencil, eyeliner thingy. Stripped wires with her fingernail clippers etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

    Perhaps cutting my losses now really is the best option.

  8. #18
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    I'm sure the razor is destroyed too, and that you need a Mastro Livi custom to replace it, since it was your best shaver.

    I agree 100%. Only a Livi could actually replace the razor that was damaged. BTW, SRD had a premium Bridal strop that I think you should tell your wife is the euivalent to what you lost.
    Good Luck

  9. #19
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sillyfishyboy View Post
    Good point!
    I dont think I want her to remember the times I made catapults from her bras, santa sacks from her tights, masks from the pillow cases, borowed the lcd from the microwave. Left notes with her lipstick, mascara pencil, eyeliner thingy. Stripped wires with her fingernail clippers etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

    Perhaps cutting my losses now really is the best option.
    LCD off the MW? O.o ...oooo-k. You're pretty much up the creek, mate =) Go the chivalric route of getting few points off making her not feel bad. You might need 'em

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