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  1. #1
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    Default Wife of a pro question

    I am trying to put together the perfect travel shaving bag for my husband. He has been using a straight razor for many many years, so knows his stuff. Any suggestions on the best items for this? Good websites?

    A lot of the travel kits I've seen have the "safety" razor. Is this preferred?
    I am hoping to match up the perfect items and create my own kit, one that is unique.

    Thanks for any help you can give.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. As zib mentioned straight razor shavers, particularly those with long experience, tend to have firm preferences. You might get a gift certificate for him. If that is too impersonal and you want the gift to be just right ... I dunno.... If it was me a new straight would be cool. I don't travel so I will yield the floor to those that do to advise you.
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  3. #3
    JMS is offline
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    How about something like this:Travel Accessories
    And maybe fill it up with his favorite brand of soap and let him choose what he wishes to use in his new travel bag when he travels

  4. #4
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    I would think that he would have most of what he wants to put in the bag already. Does he have a travel strop?

    I don't know your budget but here is a killer kit or they have a more traditional bag also.

    Col. Littleton

    Or a traditional bag that is well made and very nice.

    Mulholland Luxury Leather Goods | All Leather Flat Shave Kit

    I got mine at for $100 and it is a great bag.

    This is another great manufacturer by the name of JW Hulme Company, beautiful stuff.

    Travel Kits, Cases and Pouches: JW Hulme Co.

    All these are what I consider, being not rich, high end and usually have to be purchased on line so the lead time for Christmas is getting there. Hope this helps. The only bad thing with shopping these sites is that you may see something that will "float your boat" as it were and cause all kind if budgetary problems! As long as you don't wander around in the sites you will be good to go!

    Take Care,
    Last edited by riooso; 11-15-2009 at 06:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Faceturbation Addicted Bunny's Avatar
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    as far as a travel box goes i have had my eye on this for a while now. although a little expensive it seems well made and holds everything you need.

    Thiers Historic Straight Razor Shaving Box

    just tell him to fill it with his normal razor and brush or better yet get his a good travel brush to go with it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member ziggy925's Avatar
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    Hmmm. I don't know how much he travels, but a nice DE razor might make for a nice change of pace when traveling. Just a thought. Wouldn't need a strop, and he could still use his favorite soaps and aftershave stuff.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    You can find some nice stuff here:
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  8. #8
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    i am still new to alot of this but i travel alot and i like to travel light so for me less is better so i travel with a vintage DE, cream and a brush.. i can make lather in a cup, bowl, plate whatever is laying around in a hotel that can be used..
    but the way TSA is i would rather be packing a DE i have had them steal things out of my bags before. so im TSA is less prone to steal an old DE vs a vintage or new straight razor
    and if you so choose let me know ill send you a DE or a single edge for traveling just cover the shipping

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Welcome Jana
    if Man shaved for a long time he definitely knows what is going on.
    My suggestion will be try to talk with him and got idea what razor (brand he likes more) or just cheat
    go on his shaving supply and see what brand he uses mostly.
    that will give to you the idea.
    and good luck
    i think That Man is a very rare Lucky one.
    Thank you for trying to make him happy.

  10. #10
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    My wife is so afraid of my razors she won't even touch them, let alone give me one for a gift, your husband is a lucky man, a fact I'm sure your gift will remind him of.

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