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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BingoBango View Post
    Maybe I overlooked it, but you didn't mention which razor you're using now.

    If you haven't done it yet, check out the shave videos by Lynn and Jockeys. You can probably pick up some ideas for the harder-to-shave areas there. As for the strop, I got the Filly from Ruprazor and it came with a letter that said you can use a pumice stone to smooth small nicks out of a strop. It's a good thing I bought a cheaper strop since I've already nicked it and it arrived just the other day...
    I'm using a Bengal razor bought on the classifieds. I tried to find the listing, but I guess it expired or something.

    The nick on my DIY strop is near my hand, so it doesn't have a huge affect on the strop's use.

    When I order my "good" strop from Tony, I'm planning to get his practice strop too.

  2. #12
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    I haven't updated this in awhile, but I have still been shaving!

    I'm not going to try and list my thoughts on each shave anymore. and there was much rejoicing Instead, I'm going to post about those milestone or threshold moments where I feel like there has been a significant improvement in my ability to shave with a straight razor.

    I've reached a couple of those milestones since my last post.

    A couple weeks ago, I finally put the DE down and committed to shaving entirely with the straight. I finally realized that need to learn how to shave all the hard bits eventually. Using the DE to clean up the moustache area was not really helping me get better at it. It worked, I'm much better at all the areas of my face (including my upper lip).

    I had an epiphany during one shave. I finally understood about holding the razor "just tight enough". I figured out that I was only cutting myself if I was trying to "force it" a little. It happened while I was trying to get a handle of that new Boker (honed by SRD). That thing is pretty sharp! Maybe my stropping technique is finally getting better and/or the 2" latigo I got with the Boker works better then my DIY job :P The lesson here was to learn to pay attention to holding the razor just tight enough.

    I really don't know if others have had the same experience as me, but I was really happy last night when I had my first totally straight razor shave without cuting myself. It doesn't mean I haven't used the straight without cutting myself. When I only used the straights on the parts of the face I am good at (and cleaned up with a DE), I could get a nice shave without cuts. Each time I committed to a new area and learn how to shave there, I would get a few cuts. When I first used the Boker on my neck, someone at work asked if my cat had scratched me (I have no cats), but then they remembered I was on the lookout for "vintage razors" and chuckled. So the milestone was using the straight entirely without cutting myself. It wasn't BBS, but it felt nice

    OK, this is long enough, but I have one more topic to talk about. Braces. I suspect there aren't a lot of men using straights with orthodontics in their mouth. In the event there is someone else living with that unpleasantness, I'll share my thoughts. They do make the upper lip harder ro shave, but it can be done. Part of my success in this area was tied to the just tight enough grip epiphany mention above. I also had to abandon stretching the skin in this area. I like the result of stretching in most other areas, it won't work on the upper lip with braces on They make little spped bumps under the skin hehe
    Last edited by Hayduke; 12-22-2009 at 10:40 PM. Reason: grammar

  3. #13
    Senior Member rcardon's Avatar
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    Sounds like you are off to a pretty good start here. Keep it up.

    As you may have noticed, they guys here are always good to give suggestions and tips, so don't be shy about asking questions. I've been here for about 6 or 7 months, I think, and I have never seen anyone ridiculed for asking a question, or making an observation.

    Welcome and

  4. #14
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    hrmm... well I had created a thread to discuss purchasing a Dovo, or two, from SRD. I was getting some useful feedback when it got a bit off track and then locked OK, maybe I'm not as upset as that smiley, but he is kinda cute lol. I am bummed because there was discussion going on outside of the "heated discussion". Anyway, I doubt I'll get as many people reading this thread, but I'll put it here anyway. :P

    As I've said, I already purchased a new Boker and 2" Latigo strop from SRD. It's nice. The blade is very very sharp, although I think it may feel sharper now. I suspect it's just that I am learning to use it better, but it could be that I'm better at stropping.

    Since I know I would be buying a new Dovo at some point, I decided to make that purchase during the lifetime honing promotion. I had budgeted a little $$ for myself and had just about decided on the Bergischer Lowe. Then, after buying my wife an iPhone, she asked what I'd like as a gift. When I said a razor, she liked the idea. I started showing her blades on SRD and she set a budget of $300. When I suggested getting a couple different less expensive models, she said "No, I want you to get something nice." She liked the pictures of several of them, but she liked the Mother of Pearl model they have. She also liked the BL and the Renaissance, but a lot of them she thought weren't as attractive. So apparently she wants me to get something with a little bit of the "bling" factor. hehe

    Now I've already planned to make a purchase myself, so I already have funds I can put towards a purchase. I'm considering getting 2 new Dovos, but I wanted help deciding what to get. I'm starting to have some second thoughts about getting 2 Dovos since I have not used one.

    Right now I'm thinking I'll have the Mrs. buy the limited edition MOP razor for me and then purchase the BL myself, but I'm still open to options. I like the idea of getting 2 different blade types, ie stainless and carbon. The MOP LE is a "41" stainless blade and the BL is "Swedish Steel". It's still carbon steel, but different from the others I think.

    I like the BL mostly because of the blade shape. I like that point (Spanish point?) a lot. My new Boker is a round point. It shaves OK and I think it makes the neck easier, but I actually prefer the spikish (sorta round off) point of my vintage Bengal. So I'm not sure how much I like the round points yet. That leads me to the Bismark or the Ebony spike points. Other then the BL, these are the only non-round point options at SRD.

    I like the stiffness of my Bengal, but I think I'm just getting used to the more hollow Boker. The Bismark, and therefore the Ebony (both blade #25), is said to have a stiffer feel. The BL is a "singing" razor, so I suspect it will be the same or better/worse (not sure which it is yet hehe) then the Boker. After reading a lot of threads here, it seems that most beginners develop a preference for the heavier wedge type razors, but that they also tend to eventually migrate towards the more hollow grinds. I'm guessing this is in response to improved technique. So I'm thinking it might be OK to skip that intermediary stage and go straight to hollows

    I have not found much information about the MOP razor. I'm not too surprised since it says they only made 40 of them! It's a beautiful razor, and I like the potential collectability of it. I also like that it's a "41" blade, but it's a round point. I'm finding that shaving around the goatee is a little harder with the round pointed Boker, so this is an important issue. Of course, my difficulty with a round point could also be my poor technique. The biggest selling point to the MOP is my wife likes it. It's her favorite
    Are there any stainless Dovos, at SRD, that are not round points?

    This is getting way too long, sorry
    I realize that I'm in a pretty enviable position, so I should just shutup about it hehe
    Any feedback though is appreciated. Especially if you used different Dovos and can compare them.

    Happy Xmas Eve

  5. #15
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hayduke View Post
    I'm finding that shaving around the goatee is a little harder with the round pointed Boker, so this is an important issue. Of course, my difficulty with a round point could also be my poor technique. The biggest selling point to the MOP is my wife likes it. It's her favorite
    Are there any stainless Dovos, at SRD, that are not round points?
    I am not aware of any non-round point stainless dovos, no matter the vendor. You should call SRD and ask them though (as well as the differences in grinds among different models you're considering), they actually know what is available from Dovo, while most only see what's offered for sale at various vendors.
    As far as shaving around a goatee with a round point, yes it is harder than with a pointy point.

    Your wife clearly wants you to have the best gift and I think 'looking nice' is important to her because that's all that she can appreciate in a razor. In fact you're not much more knowledgeable than her since you're just starting. If you had used that "41" blade and loved it it'll make a perfect sense to buy the version with the fancy scales. As it is you have to make your decision based on (1) opinion of others (2) your current understanding of what you like. If you ask me, based on these you just can't determine which is the ideal Dovo for you and it's best to accept this as a fact. Make your choice based on your best guess what will be best and don't worry too much about making a mistake. The only way to know how much you would like a razor is to use that razor and since that isn't an option there's no reason to overthink it.
    Whatever you and your wife end up picking, enjoy your gift and that your wife wants to give you the best one she can, as in my view that's the most valuable part in this.

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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I am not aware of any non-round point stainless dovos, no matter the vendor. You should call SRD and ask them though (as well as the differences in grinds among different models you're considering), they actually know what is available from Dovo, while most only see what's offered for sale at various vendors.
    As far as shaving around a goatee with a round point, yes it is harder than with a pointy point.

    Your wife clearly wants you to have the best gift and I think 'looking nice' is important to her because that's all that she can appreciate in a razor. In fact you're not much more knowledgeable than her since you're just starting. If you had used that "41" blade and loved it it'll make a perfect sense to buy the version with the fancy scales. As it is you have to make your decision based on (1) opinion of others (2) your current understanding of what you like. If you ask me, based on these you just can't determine which is the ideal Dovo for you and it's best to accept this as a fact. Make your choice based on your best guess what will be best and don't worry too much about making a mistake. The only way to know how much you would like a razor is to use that razor and since that isn't an option there's no reason to overthink it.
    Whatever you and your wife end up picking, enjoy your gift and that your wife wants to give you the best one she can, as in my view that's the most valuable part in this.
    Thanks Gugi,

    My other thread (that was closed ) had a lot of responses, but yours may be the most thoughtful.

    You're absolutely right that the best part, about whichever razor I choose, will be that she bought it for me

    I don't know for certain I prefer heavier blades. I used the Boker again this morning and it was very nice. It might even be smoother then the less hollow Bengal. I am pretty sure that I don't prefer round points though. Don't hate them yet, but I like having a pointy end to clean off the 'stach and around the goat.

    I will give them a call next week and ask about them. I already thought that might happen I really wanted to try one of Dovo's "41" Inox blades, but I am reluctant to buy another round point. That being the case, I may end up with the BL and maybe the Ebony Spike point.

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