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  1. #1
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    Default got my razor back, that was the only good thing to happen.

    I felt that i truely had to tell this story to my fellow members, i hope we have all had days like this. Many of you have complimented on the razor that freeman restored for a fellow member, well that was me. I recieved the razor today in the mail, and haveing held off shaveing since last wed. in expectation of the razors return of course, i had to shave with it. I started my prep, with a nice hot washcloth on my face, doing this several time, i then proceded to get everything else ready. I took 60 slow laps on the strop, and set the razor aside, and commenced to work on getting the soap ready, lathered up, and i was off. Now the shave went great, only one nick, haveing slightly forgotten about the fact that its a square point, and that its sharp all the way to the end, and only a few weepers, other than that, a great shave, nice and smooth, not quite bbs, but i dont push it in that regards just yet, that will come.
    I was starting to shave my scalp,(no i dont believe in pushing my luck to much) an it was going pretty good, no nicks, not to much burn. Then disaster hit. My sink drain decided that today of all days it was gonna finally block, and me without any drano. So there i stand my head half shaved, soap on the back of my scalp, and i have to mess with my sink. Well the sink won, i had to towel off the remainder of my scalp, and move to another bathroom. Unfortunately, that bathroom is in my mothers house next door, but hey, i got the rest of my head shaved before i had to leave for my martial arts class, but i got it done.
    Moral of the story, always check the drain, before you try to shave. Thought i would tell that story, and make everyone else laugh today, i know when i finally thought about it, i have been.


  2. #2
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    Yeah, things like that happen. Heck, I'm the kind of guy that will buy a white panama suit with two pairs of trousers only to burn a hole in the jacket!

  3. #3
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Dude, the other good thing was you didn't drop the razor
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Dude, the other good thing was you didn't drop the razor
    that would have made a bad day even worse..

  5. #5
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    that sucks man but a drain does not instantly clog up it had to of been draining slow for a while take it apart at the P trap and clean that out if that does not work your going to have to snake it

  6. #6
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wvloony View Post
    I was starting to shave my scalp,(no i dont believe in pushing my luck to much) an it was going pretty good, no nicks, not to much burn. Then disaster hit. My sink drain decided that today of all days it was gonna finally block, and me without any drano. So there i stand my head half shaved, soap on the back of my scalp, and i have to mess with my sink. Well the sink won, i had to towel off the remainder of my scalp, and move to another bathroom. Unfortunately, that bathroom is in my mothers house next door, but hey, i got the rest of my head shaved before i had to leave for my martial arts class, but i got it done.
    Moral of the story, always check the drain, before you try to shave. Thought i would tell that story, and make everyone else laugh today, i know when i finally thought about it, i have been.

    I keep a plastic cup of water next to my sink when I shave my head. I carefully scoop the lather/hair off the blade with my finger and rinse it in the cup. When the cup has a full (and kinda gross) head of lather/hair mixture, I'll dump it out in the yard. I just started using two plastic cups so that I didn't have to dump one mid-shave.

  7. #7
    Senior Member 15straightrazor's Avatar
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    It could have been worse, a dinosaur could have eaten all your razors. D:

  8. #8
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    having thought more, if i had tagged the faucet with the razor, i would have probably been totally ****ed off. that would have just about ruined my day at that point. gonna go for the second shave here in a little bit,

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