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11-27-2009, 05:49 AM #1
Stropping: I think I've been doing it wrong.
For the last couple of months I've been dutifully stropping my razors before and after each shave, and usually in between passes. I've also stropped the daylights out of them (70-100 laps) after honing. Having seen first hand what can happen when poor stropping leads to a rolled edge, I've been careful to gently but quickly glide the razor across the the strop, and all has been more or less well.
Well, sort of. I've also noticed that stropping has had little or no affect on the sharpness of my razor. This got me to thinking I might be doing it wrong so after spending some quality time checking the wiki and some threads on the subject I decided to try a firmer hand when stropping. I stropped my favorite razor last night with about twice as much pressure as I usually use, a firm even stroke is about the best I can describe it.
It felt like the blade was magnetized to the strop, the sound of the stropping action was one smooth continuous sound, and after 50 laps the razor went from "yeah, this is good to shave with" to absolutely the sharpest razor I own. It's effortlessly popping arm hairs without touching skin and consistently passing HHT at a much higher level than I'm accustomed to. Is this normal?
11-27-2009, 05:55 AM #2
if i did understand you are saying you putting more pressure now then before?
how were you stropping before? edge must touch the strop? and usually shouldn't be too much pressure.
Second part is Sorry to say your blade isn't shave ready(i say this what you wrote ) popping up arm hairs?
shave ready blade will not pop up the arm hairs it will make them fall off silently.
if you are popping up or spliting the hairs then blade needs to sharpen a little more.
( There is should be some consideration about what type arm hair you have) but mostly what i said above should apply 95% cases
11-27-2009, 05:55 AM #3
Sounds like you nailed it!!!
11-27-2009, 05:57 AM #4
One question: Have you shaved with the razor yet? As this is the only test you need to pass
11-27-2009, 07:27 AM #5
11-27-2009, 07:29 AM #6
11-27-2009, 07:30 AM #7
11-27-2009, 08:33 AM #8
Nice to see you have it perfected and due to the varibles of leather what works for one may not work for another as after all its skin and no skin is the same!
I to had the same issue being very gentle with my strop, and it did nothing for the razor now with firm but controlled pressure it has a slight hissing sound that is constant and pleasent to here when stropping.
And of course it works just like yours at making my razors come to life.
11-27-2009, 09:46 AM #9
This does kinda confirm something I've been thinking for a while. I know we all say "Dont put too much pressure on the strop or you'll roll the edge", but I think we all put on more pressure than we actually think we do.
When I get home tonight I'm going to pull my strop to its usual taughtness and then I'm going to put weights on it until it sags by the amount that it usually does when I strop. I'll post the results up and see exactly how much weight I'm putting on when I do strop..!
EDIT: Well done for getting your stropping down as well! This is one of the most important things to learn and its great that you are happy with the results! It just goes to show how much of a difference good stropping makes..!
11-27-2009, 09:50 AM #10
Now that is the way to do it use science as your guide and test all varibles and to be honest I bet there is a certain weight that is optimum to the razors edge.