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  1. #1
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Unhappy Are these weepers?

    Shave three with a straight razor went pretty well 'cept for one good nick on my neck, one tiny dot of blood on my upper lip and a bunch of razor burn on my neck and left cheek. (Hey, I'm smooth at least!)

    Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning I saw a bunch of little dots of dried blood on the sides of my chin. They kinda look like pin pricks. I'm not sure if these are "delayed nicks" or weepers or what. Actually, I'm still a little unsure what a weeper is. Anyone else ever get this? Advice for a fix?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Sounds like you may have used a bit too much pressure and/or your razor isn't sharp enough. Weepers in my book are apparent immediately after the shave and they are little pin prick like dots of blood.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    BingoBango (11-30-2009)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BingoBango View Post
    Shave three with a straight razor went pretty well 'cept for one good nick on my neck, one tiny dot of blood on my upper lip and a bunch of razor burn on my neck and left cheek. (Hey, I'm smooth at least!)

    Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning I saw a bunch of little dots of dried blood on the sides of my chin. They kinda look like pin pricks. I'm not sure if these are "delayed nicks" or weepers or what. Actually, I'm still a little unsure what a weeper is. Anyone else ever get this? Advice for a fix?
    Well I am not sure what a weeper is except for the little ones that turn
    my lather pink. I have seen what you describe though.....

    Advice for a fix.....

    • Strop lighter, smoother, slower and longer.
    • Prep your face with more hot water and time.
    • Dial back on the "I'm smooth at least" expectation and keep to one and a half pass.
    • Apply a bit of Triple-Antibiotic to the problem area (NEOSPORIN®) after you shave.

    I suspect your face simply has not adjusted to the str8. If so
    going slower (one pass + missed spots) or skipping
    a day or so will give it time to adjust and heal.

    If I use a "bad for me" soap or cream I get a micro rash
    that is invisible until I shave it the next day. I also get
    a micro rash from too many passes yesterday with a harsh edge.
    Again invisible until I shave the next day with a very sharp edge.
    It acts like you describe.

    Since this is the newbies corner I should mention sanitation.
    If you grab a musty towel from the hamper and dry
    your face with it tomorrows shave will stink. If you leave a film of soap
    on your face and your face does not like it tomorrows shave
    will stink.

    If you splash on some after shave stuff that your face does not like
    tomorrows shave may suffer.

    i.e. the day before sets the stage for todays shave. Take it slow and easy.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    BingoBango (11-30-2009)

  6. #4
    Member garciagj's Avatar
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    My bet is on the "not sharp enough" side. My advice is to try to get it sharpened; if it's sharp enough you won't need to put any pressure to the blade. Another thing that you can do first is search in the wiki here all the different tests to apply on the razor to determine if it's sharp enough. If it isn't you can make the decision, but have to get it scary sharp to avoid all the rashes and cuts.
    One thing that works excellent for me is to make the final wash with cold water; the middle washes have to be done with very hot water to soften the beard and the skin. Also is essential to use a fine aftershave balm: I've found that the crabtree and evelyn scent-free/all-natural works excellent for me and can be found locally... it's even cheap!!!.
    Good luck

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