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  1. #1
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    Default Dammitall! I droped my razor!

    In the sink it goes! Sliding down and slamming against the cold steel (plated brass?)of the drain and elevated stopper!

    Aaarrrghhhh! Dammitall!

    Picked it up, put is aside and finished up with my Hamburg Ring 6/8. Good close shave today, but got some weepers. Oh well.....

    Looked at my poor baby with an illuminated microscope at 80X this evening. Oh yeah! I got a micro chip, plain as day. <sigh> Looks like I'm going to spend the morning starting with the 1K and work my way back up to get it right again. Gawd I hate it when "poop occurs". First time for everything I suppose........

  2. #2
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    a few days ago my only shave ready took a trip to the floor
    it got a pretty big nick that needed a bit of breadknifing
    so im for the time being shaving with a razor thats finished on some sort of slate + the full range of dovo paste
    sending out for honing isnt really an option here as long as a shave ready razor is cheaper atleast and since i got bad RAD from the get go i cant really do anything exept wait for the hones i ordered

    i still get what may be a passable shave but its not overly comfortable

    and yes there were words i dont repeat here

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    yeah it probably happens to everybody sooner or later.

  4. #4
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    yeah don't let it worry you, flylot. No one is perfect.

  5. #5
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    I wish I could say I only dropped one. I dropped the only DD Goldedge I have ever had in a hotel room. I had just bought it from an antique store in Houston and ended up splitting the blade up about a centimeter right in the middle. It completely ruined it and I had just paid $85 for it.
    At least its fixable!
    GOod Luck

  6. #6
    Member Thechef's Avatar
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    Well I am sure the minor chip will be easily removed as if its that small under a microscope then it wont take long to remove it.

    I am going to have to invent a wrist lanyard for all of us on here and then when the razor slips it wont get banged but will swing nicely and cut us so sweetly in a form of "I WILL TEACH YOU A LESSON FOR DROPPING ME" LOL

  7. #7
    Senior Member sffone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    yeah it probably happens to everybody sooner or later.
    And probably more than once.

    I'm convinced that if you straight-shave long enough you're gonna ding an edge. And it could be worse -- I once dropped one onto a concrete floor and it hit in such a way that it actually broke. Can I tell you, I was one very, very unhappy individual.

    I admit to being a complete un-coordinated klutz -- every couple of months I manage to slightly ding a razor on my faucet. But, hey, that's what hones are for!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    A least the chip is of the micro variety. I have not been that lucky in the past.

  9. #9
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    Good news! After some advise from gugi recommending going to the 1K, I made the chip go away (it was about 1/3 the width of the bevel) and worked my way back up the food chain. I shaved with it yesterday morning and got a great shave.

    I lost some metal off the razor, I lost some time honing a razor I had just hone a week before, and I lost a bit of pride (I have darn little of that left these days!). Such is life!

  10. #10
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    Why lose pride? You're shaving brilliantly with a self-restored razor! Of course you can get a mach3....

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