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  1. #21
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I am seeing a pattern here that I do not agree with, at least 2 people have used the reference of 3-5 seconds to load enough soap on the brush...

    I think maybe there is a little more variance then we think in water then, because with my very hard water 3-5 seconds of loading soap on the brush would not accomplish anything at all... I swirl an almost dry brush on the top of the soap puck for at least 30 seconds pushing and swirling pretty hard to load soap before ever trying to build lather... In that thread you will see where I say the soap should look clumpy, on the brush before you start, I think Mantic shows or describes the same thing... My advice is forget the time references and load until it is clumpy first...

    Also since you are now shopping for a soap you might want to go with one of the proved hard water performers I listed...
    Yep, that's why I said 30-45 seconds in my first post in this thread. His soap (Art of Shaving) is one of the absolute best soaps on the market. Really, it's great stuff. However, you have to load your brush for a long time to get enough product to create a good lather. Warbler, if you'll read my first post in this thread and do exactly that, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts you can build a nice lather

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    Warbler (12-05-2009)

  3. #22
    Senior Member TonyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    "What many don't realize is that you can use just the parts of that Uber method that you want to..."

    Hmmmm just proved that point huh???
    Glen, I agree with you that there are a lot of threads and questions about the how to create the lather and that was the only reason why I did the basic lathering instructions at the wiki.
    Before that there was only your uberlather article and people ask still a lot of questions about the basic lathering.
    So I figure that the uberlather article wasn't exactly the right article for the beginners whereas it serves the advanced users more than better.
    After the basic lathering article these lathering threads drops down clearly.
    Still beginners ask questions about the lathering and other people than me linked the answers to that basic article and people found help. I was pleased.

    Now back to this thread. It is obvious that lathering process fails sometimes due to many reasons and we have wiki what we should develop until it's bullet proof. Right now it is not. This thread shows it.
    What parts exactly do you mean in the uberlather article what warbler can use to solve problem?

  4. #23
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    If you actually break that Uber thread down into only what you need,,,
    Such as in this case the soap part.. you would be left with the "Safe Method" of lathering...
    He would not use the parts about the Cream and Glycerin, that is actually what I meant... No offense intended it is just many times people overlook that you don't have to make Uberlather, you can just use the parts of that thread that apply to what you are doing...

    All we can keep trying to do is account for variables that come up, I am not sure any thread or Wiki entry will ever be "bulletproof" but the more people like you that keep trying the better we get...

  5. #24
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    update: I've switched over to a shaving cream called Jack Black. It gives me really nice lather. Not if I'll ever try the soap again.

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