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  1. #1
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    Default First shave down - A few questions

    So, I have just finished my first shave with a correctly honed razor, and, I must say, the difference is PHENOMENAL. I have gotten my cheeks BBS, my sideburns almost there, and all of my neck -excepting one small patch- too. I have a supple, forgiving face, and used to shave with a knife while camping -it was easy, and amazed other people (I'm a good hand at knife sharpening)- so I have a sturdy face, and good hand-blade coordination, so I shave WTG then ATG. Now, my questions are:

    1. I hadn't shaved for the last 2 weeks or so -waiting for my straight to get in- So I had quite a bit of growth -being only 18, however, it wasn't more than a quarter to a third inch, and not too dense. It all came off well, however I'm wondering if having a lot of growth makes the shave easier because it is longer and easily made softer, or if length isn't that important.

    2. I have a TM 3'' artisan strop, and the 2.5 inch Starter strop. I use the starter strop, naturally, since I am new. I have, however, experimented on the Artisan once or twice. I noticed that the sound of the strop sounds better on the Artisan than the Starter (and I've had a Straight-shaving friend teach me proper stropping, so I recognize the sound) is the better sound from the Artisan due to material quality difference? or am I doing something wrong? (The artisan has handles, the starter does not, so it may be angle of grip)

    3. I currently use Colonel Conk bay rum Glycerine shave soap, and get good results, however, since I shave my whole face, and am new, so I take my time, it dries out a little on occasion -By the time I reach the moustache area, it is thin and a little foamy- is that natural, I just need to relather, or are there different soaps that will prevent this -price isn't really a problem considering how long it lasts-

    4. I intended to shave post-shower, but was running late this morning. Instead, I got back from class and just kept my face covered in hot, wet water before I shaved, and did the standard prep with my lather (Brush soaks in hot water, warm lather, etc). Does shaving right out of the shower help that much, or is it mostly negligible? I do usually rub conditioner into my facial hair to make it softer pre-shave, but, as I said, didn't shower before this shave. What's the verdict on this one?

    5. Lastly, as I said, I have a 3'' TM artisan strop, Cotton and Latigo, and the Latigo Starter strop. My standard stropping is 40 complete passes on the Starter strop. Should I incorporate the cotton into this, or just keep it safe until I'm ready to use that strop as my main?

    Thanks for all the time and help you guys have already given, and will hopefully provide in the years to come.


  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    1. I find that some length works better for me, but that also correlates with my skin having had more time to recover.

    2. As far as I know Tony uses the same leather for his practice strops, just the areas with some blemishes. Put them on a table and strop that way, is there a difference then?

    3. Yes you'll get better results both with practice (shaving faster), and with better soap. And yes they last really long time. Try non-glycerine soap.

    4. You'll find out yourself.

    5. Yes, use the cotton as well

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    ShavedZombie (12-03-2009)

  4. #3
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    as for 2. Yes, the 3 inch still sounds 'cleaner', however, that may be because my "x" pattern needs work

    3. I was reccomended to use Glycerine soap, for the lubrication, my soap was a 4$ puck, could that be it?

    5. Use cotton and the practice strop. Got it

  5. #4
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    I like the Col. Conk soaps for their scent, but to be honest with you they don't hold their lather as well as other glycerine soaps. As a result, when I use it, I only lather up to my chin and then relather the rest of my face when I get there. If you're looking for a better lathering soap, try the Classic Shaving soaps. Some here say it doesn't have the lather that it should, but it's still a mile ahead of the Col. Conk stuff.

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    ShavedZombie (12-03-2009)

  7. #5
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    I've actually been recommended the Taylor of Old Bond Street by a friend who's been far ahead of me in straights... Any advice on those?

  8. #6
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    i've used some of taylor's creams and i liked them, not sure about the soaps.
    the soaps i usually like to use are colleen's (thegentlemensquarter), the truefit&hill's and few others that will be hard for you to find.
    the only glycerin soap that i've liked so far is SRD's rose - at $40 or $50 it is quite a bit more expensive than usual, but that's how it goes.
    if you ask me get a bunch of colleen's sample sizes, make sure to get the cavendish black as it's favorite of many.

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    ShavedZombie (12-03-2009)

  10. #7
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    I have Col. Conk Soap and its a proven winner, but not as fancy as others. 30 seconds swirling on the puck and 30 seconds on the face. It took me a while to understand that I needed to add a little water to the Brush when lathering. If it disappears a little, you didn't whip up the lather enough with enough water in the brush.

    I have three pucks and they last seemly forever.


  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Pabster For This Useful Post:

    ShavedZombie (12-03-2009)

  12. #8
    Senior Member 15straightrazor's Avatar
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    4) Everyone says its better to shave out of the shower because the warm water softens up your face. I did this the other day and frankly I didn't like it. The reason being is that the hot water caused the mirror to fog up and I could barley see myself in the mirror, nicked my cheek because I couldn't see. What I do is just take a wash cloth and soak it in hot water and ring it out and set it on my face for a couple minutes. Maybe not as effective but still works.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to 15straightrazor For This Useful Post:

    ShavedZombie (12-03-2009)

  14. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    No shame in freshing up the lather as you go.
    You want to keep your wiskers moist even if
    all you have is a thin lather.

    Lots depend on how quickly you shave and how dry
    the air is. We are comming up on winter here and
    when the heater is on it is much dryer.... I wonder
    if any of us have winter and summer soap preferences.

    IMO glycerin soap wins because it is so mild
    not because it is "the best" lathering shave
    soap, still it is good stuff. It also melts
    at a low temp and can be poured into
    almost any random shaped soap mug or wood
    turned bowl.

    Once I had the end of some so so hard soap and
    in another mug the end of some glycerin soap
    since I had a NEW soap to try I melted the glycerine
    soap and poured it around what was left of
    the so so puck so I could free up a mug.
    I found the half and half was way better than either
    of the two by themselves. I might do it again on purpose
    some day...

  15. #10
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    the col conk stuff kinda sucks ill be glad when its all used up it does smell good but thats about far as the TOBS goes i have never used thier soap but thier creams are amazing but that is compared to the col conk soap i have neve rused any castle forbes or truefiit and hill stuff i hear its even better
    but i shave SLOW so i only lather one side of my face at a time... thats how i fixed the lather drying up on my face problem

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