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  1. #151
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    I promised myself the same thing last December. If you look at the SRP SOTD forum you'll see how well I kept my promise to myself.

    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  2. #152
    RAWR X Eleventy !!!!!!11ONE TheRedlines's Avatar
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    This thread made me run around and count. 41 is what I came to after opening the mail. I've got 4 shave ready and 4 more on their way back from Lynn getting honed. Wait just spotted 2 more. I seriously had no idea I had RAD so bad. I better start concentrating on what I've got rather than raiding antique stores and eyeballing EBAY. BTW, this is since January.

  3. #153
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    After reading this thread I don't feel as bad about my SRAD now....

    I bought my first, a 5/8ths Dovo Best Quality in June. Now I have 9 and negotiating for my 10th. I used my Dovo Best Quality only a couple times and then got a Le Grelot from Martin at rasurpur and have used that since. I liked the Le Grelot so much I immediately bought another. I have four more Dovo's to try the stainless and different sizes and grinds, and I liked the look of the Bismarck...and a Wapi.
    I only have 3 more on my list I'd like to buy but that will have to wait a couple months.

    Anyway straight razors hold their value well and vintage steel will increase in value over time so the way things are going investing in straight razors will be better than investing in the stock market!

  4. #154
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    I've been straight shaving since late May this year, and now have 4 razors. I started with a 5/8 Bengall bought through the classifieds here, and a couple of weeks later bought a 6/8 Dovo Special (bundled with the 3" Latigo strop) from SRD. Then toward the end of June or early July I bought a 5/8 Chip A Way from ShavedZombie on the classifieds here, and just last week bought a 6/8 Wostenholm for L. Herder from Holli4pirating through his website. They all came shave ready; the Bengall is about a half hollow, the others are full hollows. My mother recently told me she's got her grandfather's or great-grandfather's (she's not sure which) razor and wants me to have it. I have no idea what condition it's in, but hope it'll be salvageable.

    My wife has made a couple of comments about "how may razors do you need?" lately. I think I'll gently point out that I've never, at any time, asked how many pairs of shoes she needs.
    "If you ever get the pipes in good chune, your troubles have just begun."--Seamus Ennis

  5. #155
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    9 since the beginning of July but I figure I'll stop at ten so I want the next one to be special, maybe a custom. I also said I would stop at three, and then again at seven, (I couldn't need more then one a day for a week) so we will see how long 10 lasts as an end point. My reasoning is that I should be able to get back most of my money if I need to sell so it won't be too bad. Also I wanted to try different sizes and grinds which I've mostly accomplished though I'm heavy on 5/8 full hollows and only have two that are 1/2 hollow or less so maybe 14 is a better endpoint one a day for a fortnight? Yeah that should work.

  6. #156
    Senior Member buckeye's Avatar
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    i have 5. sent 3 out to get honed. trying to get everything together when i get them back. beem looking for more.

  7. #157
    Junior Member jdogseattle's Avatar
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    I have 7 that are shave ready, and about that many again that are works in progress. I started straight razor shaving a couple of months ago.
    Last edited by jdogseattle; 08-23-2010 at 03:34 PM. Reason: typo

  8. #158
    Str8 for life! DOOM's Avatar
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    I have 3 shave-ready, my first is a Dovo pearlex 6/8(a bit big for the first razor but sooo prety!!!), second a Genco round point 5/8, last one is a All Star? 5/8. And 2 work in progress...

  9. #159
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckeye View Post
    i have 5. sent 3 out to get honed. trying to get everything together when i get them back. beem looking for more.
    Five is a LOT of razors.
    Twenty five is not enough.....

    If three in your set of five are good shavers
    be very selective as you pick up more.

  10. #160
    Junior Member Raider2000's Avatar
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    Right now I have 1, my Black Dovo Best Quality 6/8 but I just purchased my second one last week, a Perkeo 6/8.

    In the end I may stop at 4 or 7 Razors, some Vintage & a few new ones that I'll definitly be using daily.

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