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  1. #11
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    I find myself impatient for the next shave, oh and I am getting another natural finisher...hooked like there is no tomorrow here.
    I'm with you. Yes, I love the razors, that's why I have so many. But the thirll is in the shave itself.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'm another that still looks forward to the shave and doesn't want to miss a day. We've only got so many coming to us so I don't want to waste any. If it wasn't for the straight razors I wouldn't feel that way. The rocks, honing, razors, shaving brushes, the ritual of stropping and lathering are all a part of the whole affair. Top it off with the Bay Rum or whatever. What's not to love ?
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  3. #13
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I actually like shaving. I only shave 3 times per week, but I really enjoy the ritual. I don't collect brushes, scuttles, strops, or other things. I have a couple of razors, 1 strop, 1 brush, 1 type of cream, 1 type of AS...

    I do have a couple of hones, but I need them for the one thing I truly love about straights, and that is the restoration aspect.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    Lol yeah man, I hear ya! Not many guys will admit this, but I'm with you. It's still the best and most enjoyable method though IMO. I like the razors themselves more than the act of shaving I think... I'll never go back I can tell you that.
    Except for when I get a really really nice shave (like I have been recently), I kinda feel this way about my DE's.
    I've shaved with a straight twice now and I have to say that I think the shave itself is more fun than DE's though.

  5. #15
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    One of these days, some psychologist type will stumble onto these SRP conversations and use our posts as grist for a book or dissertation. I don't care. Something about standing there, brush with lather in one hand, weapon in the other hand, soothes the beast.

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Not everybody shaves because they just enjoy the experience. Many use straights because they get a better result and that's reason enough.
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  8. #17
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    i, like most look forward to each and every shave..since i drive over the road i sometimes do not get to shave everyday. only wish i could. when i am home i can not wait to shave, different razor, different brush, different homemade shave soap, different aftershave, and most important a different attitude when i have completed the shave...

  9. #18
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BHChieftain View Post
    Me too! But, I need to
    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    I like the razors themselves more than the act of shaving I think... I'll never go back I can tell you that.
    Same here

    As long as I need to shave, it'll be with straight razors.
    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    It's all silly nonsense. The whole thing.

    I hate shaving
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 12-09-2009 at 12:01 AM.
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  10. #19
    Junior Member MatthewShropshire's Avatar
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    I used to hate shaving, it hurt, irritated my skin and put me in a bad mood because my face always looked horrible every time I wanted to look nice. I actually took to wearing a beard because I felt I looked more attractive with a well maintained beard than an irritated face.

    Ever since I started shaving with a straight razor though my whole attitude about shaving has changed. Shaving is now something I look forward to, something that brings me a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure. I'm talking about the whole ritual of shaving of course; the warm water, the scent of my favorite shaving soap as I build a thick rich lather and apply it to my face, my razor gleaming in my hand, scything down the new grown stubble of my beard........On top of all that my face looks better than it ever has. The time I spend shaving doesn't take away from my life, I believe it adds to it and because of this, for me at least the novelty will never wear off.

    Happy Shaving Gentlemen!

  11. #20
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    I enjoy shaving. I do look forward to my shave, which is usually everyday. I do sometimes debate whether to skip a day (if I don't have tme) or use something else like my DE.

    For instance, this last weekend I was in San Francisco with my wife and kids and due to circumstances, I couldn't take the time to do my normal routine, which takes me 30-40 minutes. Now I thought about skipping, but just wanted to shave to get that clean feeling. So whipped out the travel DE that I carry with a single GE blade and in 5 minutes was cleaned up.

    I really prefer to shave with my Straights, but I want to be shaved more than anything else, sometimes. So nice to have options that will do the job and never have to worry about the dreaded Mach3 scenario.

    I mean if I had to choose an old DE over anything other than a Straight, it would be a no brainer.

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