Hi gitano,
I thorough enjoyed reading your post! Del1r1um's advise is spot on. I bet your stropping did not help matters. Don't frustrate yourself further-- send the blade in for a touch up, and while the razor is out for service, practise your lathering and prep skills. When you get the razor back, don't strop it, and try just shaving your cheek. Really focus on using zero pressure when you shave-- if you have a sharp blade and you have the angle correct, those little whisker buggers will just fall away.

Before you try to strop, seek out the stropping information on the wiki and also watch the videos. While you need decent speed while executing the stroke, you DON"T need speed when you change direction, so take that part extremely slow-- as that is where you will accidentally lift the spine and roll your edge...

Stick with it and you will be amply rewarded,
