How many pages is that thread? When I see names like W&B, JR&Son etc in 20+ lists your argument that users have "only" used 20 razors becomes moot.

A fil just ended for ~$30 on eBay. Yes it's got a little rust and hone wear, but less than an hour and I could have it shave ready (I was #2 bidder on a value bid of ~$20 ($12 shipping)). I also got my Fil off eBay. Other than replacement scales it appeared to be in NOS condition. Turned out that it wasn't, but that doesn't affect what I paid.

I have the common decency to assume that people are able to recognize that damage is something to avoid. I'd have to have my head pretty far up my own ass to try and believe otherwise.

Being mint has nothing to do with how well a razor shaves. A worn Quality razor will shave better than a no name in Excellent/Mint the majority of the time. I'd rather have a 62 Jag E with a rebuilt engine and worn interior than a mint 2010 Dodge Neon. I'm willing to bet the Jag will perform better too.

You might want to get down off your high horse and actually read my post before you start acting like a dick by completely ignoring what I said and making statements that make it clear you have no response to the claims I've actually made. Such as rebutting that Ducks can be had under $100 if they aren't in mint condition by requesting a mint condition Duck for under $100. It just makes you look too full of yourself to bother reading before you start arguing.