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  1. #21
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    Usually it depends on what the sender marked the value as when packages leave the US. That's been my experience. A lot of guys ask that you mark value at a much lower number than what it's worth to avoid customs. The only problem in that case is that if something happens, you're screwed. Lots of guys take the chance though, sorry to hear regardless.
    It's also mail fraud, and the IRS can come down hard on people caught doing it. That's why some pro sellers flat out refuse to put anything other than the sale value on the package.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  2. #22
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    i was stationed in Germany for 4 years and while the customs may be different from Korea, i can tell you APO mail DOES go through host nation customs. I discovered this when i mail ordered a bunch of brand new paintball equipment while stationed there. I got my package in 2 or 3 weeks with everything inside, except the $850 marker. Needless to say i was really PO'd and started checking into where it probably went missing. Checked with the local APO officers and was told about customs regs.

    Luckily the company i ordered from were extremely nice about sending me a replacement marker in a separate package, free of charge.

  3. #23
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    wow i cant belive they straight stole your mail like that!!! i can see them saying ok you have to pay importing duty but to just outright open it up and keep it thats crazy man...glad the company was cool enough to send you another one i would of asked them to send it in 5 different peices that way they would be less prone to take something because they dont know what it is

  4. #24
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    well, it was thievery by any standard. I called the german customs office and they admitted that should not have happened but also said they had no way of knowing who did it and getting it back. And the company did not offer insured shipping. But yeah it all worked out ok.

    As far as in different parts, i doubt i could get anyone to do that. I just learned my lesson and the next custom marker i ordered i made a stop by the custom shop on my leave and picked it up there. Wasn't a big deal since i was in MS to visit family anyway.

  5. #25
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    i got good news everything got sorted out both dovo spike point in ebony scales and the case came in the other day! they LOOK & SHAVE GREAT
    you really have to watch the spike point more closely but i really like the way they look and the barbers notch im not a big fan of round point
    on the downside i was a little disapointed with the case it should be overall slightly larger maybe 1/2 inch wider and have more depth to it so there are no small open spaces when its closed. but in the ned im just happy i got my stuff!!!

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