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  1. #1
    Junior Member AcesN8s's Avatar
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    Default First shave and thank you

    I don't post much, and just read the site for quite some time before joining. So I did a lot of study, watching every video and reading a lot so I could learn what and what not to do.

    So without further ado, I would like to thank those who have taken their time and have put this whole thing together. This includes all of you who ask and answer questions, sometimes over and over.

    Yesterday my set of Norton hones came in. Tonight I took my antique shop bought ERN Damascus and my hones into my office and went to work. About an hour and a half later I felt I was close enough to give it a go.

    Did the same prep I use for double edge and put blade to face. One complete WTG pass, then a second. I was quite pleased. Not because it was the closest, easiest or smoothest shave, but because I was able to take that $17.00 razor and put enough of an edge on it that I could shave with it. No cuts, no razor burn and a shave that was good enough to have taken me to work. I can now start working on a finer edge.

    I'm sure you folks know that sometimes it just the little, simple things that make a difference.

    Cheers, Steve.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Nolig23's Avatar
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    good to see you learning and able to put a good edge on that beautiful razor. enjoy!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Congrats on you success with honing and with your first shave. Living proof that SRP works.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #4
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    very nice
    i like the razor a lot too

  5. #5
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Well done and welcome. I too am liking that razor a lot.

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