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  1. #11
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum MistressNomad, You are probably going to want to find a 4/8 or 5/8 2 inch long blade with a round point to get you started, I shave my legs with a straight but I do still use a DE for my underarms. I would keep my eyes open on the classifieds here for a shorter blade razor or there are several guys here that are able to modify one for you. I would be leary about ebay if you are not sure what a good blade is. You can get stuck with junkers real easily.

    As to lubricants, yes, they will work and you have the added convenience of not needing a brush, but I would encourage you to eventually get a brush and a nice soap or cream, It does add to the pampering experience.

    A belt will work as a strop, but it is recommended that there be no stiching along the sides, Needs to be totally smooth, Jean legs have been known to work well as has old seat belts.

    Let us know if you have any other questions and we will see what we can do to assist you.

    Good luck on your journey

  2. #12
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Hey, $20 is less than most spend on an actual belt.

    I have one of these from my beginner days and it worked out fine.

    RupRazor - The Filly

  3. #13
    Straight Shaver Apprentice DPflaumer's Avatar
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    I also second the DE option. I know it isn't a straight, but you can get a good vintage razor for around $10 and 100 blades from most manufacturers for at/under $20. I used a DE or a little over a year before switching to straights.

  4. #14
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    Wee! Lots of responses! Cool!

    The main reason that I A) use lube and B) hate disposables is that I get razor burn and bumpies and ingrown hairs like whoa. A lot of it is that disposables just won't hold an edge, and a lot of it is that my skin doesn't really like chemical-y stuff (which most shaving creams seem to be), and soap doesn't lather enough to protect my skin from the crappy blades.

    So, is the shaving soap/brush method nicer on irritable skin like mine? I'd be totally up for switching. Lube just seems to work best of the options I've tried.

    Maybe I can have a hunt for a DE a bit... I'm "stabilizing" a bit, so to speak. As in, I only anticipate one more major move before I stick somewhere for a while. So I can finally start thinking about replacing my "make do" crap with nicer things.

    The only reason I didn't look into a DE right away is mostly because I don't like the shape. It's the same reason I didn't like single blade disposable razors.

    The single blade is nicer to my skin, but I don't like the T-shape angle that I can't alter. That's why I went to pivot-headed razors, even though I hate multiple blades (I'd rather have one good one than 4 crap ones!). I just feel much more in control.

    Does a DE have that same sort of restrictivness to it?
    Last edited by MistressNomad; 12-22-2009 at 07:47 PM.

  5. #15
    Straight Shaver Apprentice DPflaumer's Avatar
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    The DE is much less restrictive. Lots of companies make unscented shaving soap and cream just for people with sensitive skin, and shaving soap lathers up much much differently than regular soap.

    I would say if cost is a major issue, pick up a DE for now and save up a little money if at all possible to make the jump to a straight. I had great results when I used one and it will be much more forgiving while you try to master crafting lather.


  6. #16
    Junior Member donputnick's Avatar
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    Since you travel, keep one thing in mind, tho ... If you take up straight razor or Double Edge shaving, your days of carry-on luggage are over. Straight razors and DE blades need to go in your checked luggage. There is a workaround strategy with DE blades. You can mail ahead some blades to be held for your arrival.

  7. #17
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    Hell, these days, your days of carry-on are over if you own a leatherman or a nail file. Obviously a lot of the stuff that comes in handy for being self-sufficient is sharp, and it's such a nightmare to get through on a carry on these days that I simply no longer can. I hate checking luggage and risking losing it, but they don't really give you a choice if you own anything sharper than a spoon.

  8. #18
    Straight Shaver Apprentice DPflaumer's Avatar
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    True story. I have just give up all together, though I absolutely hate paying the extra $15 or $20 to check my bag. You don't really have a choice anymore though.

  9. #19
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Don't worry about double-edge razors in your carry-on. I travel with one all the time.

    If you are looking to go the DE route, I'd recommend a Merkur because the head comes apart from the stem, thereby making it look nothing like a DE razor to the x-ray observing TSA personnel. As for blades, I frequently carry-on a 5-blade box of personnas in my toiletry kit.

    Of course, I could be lucky, but if worse comes to worst, I'm only out like $1.25 in blades.

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShavedZombie View Post
    Figured I'd throw my hat into the arena... Go with a DE? They aren't as close as a Straight, but, at least for me, they far outlast a Disposable... not to mention 15$ gets you 5 disposable cartriges, but 9.99 can get you 20 DE blades (IIRC?)

    And the shave is better from a DE... It's 25% Disposable, 75% straight (that's how I look at it )

    good luck!

    Do look on the ladies corner there have been some good threads and people there. Also for shave soap or cream you can try most of the mens soaps
    and creams try lathering with a wash cloth. It works and covers more
    skin than a small brush. One great and inexpensive option is to use hair conditioner as a shave soap.

    My other half likes the expensive Venus but I think that the inexpensive BiC would do as well for much less money. These single edge versions of the toss away have a bit more room inside so they do not clog with whiskers/hair as quickly and are easier to swish clean and clear of bits.

    Most shaving is about skin and hair preparation so as you shop for
    a short ladies blade explore that part.

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