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  1. #1
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    Default starting the new year right.

    well i figured i would start a new years tradition of my own, some inane habit to do every new years eve to pass on to my son. so at around 11:30 i hit the shower, and then i gave myself the first str8 shave of the new year, and it went great, no nicks or weeps, so maybe im onto something, just need to do the ole bean, and i will be set, but currently have a few nicks that im trying to heal up before i hit it again with the str8, anyone else have a crazy shave ritual for the new year, love to hear them.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rastewart's Avatar
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    No new shave rituals to report, but I'm happy to hear yours went well, and congratulations on periodically developing inane habits to pass on to your son. I wish I'd done more of that while the kids were younger; it's a great thing in later life to have memories of a warped but basically harmless dad.


  3. #3
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    I can vouch for this. My father is wonderfully eccentric, and we had lots of inane little habits and going-ons.

    Happy New Year, and happy new shaving tradition! Always nice to start the new year with a nice clean shave.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Maskwa's Avatar
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    For me it was nothing that ritualistic. But I can report that I dipped into my best and favourite cream on the morning of New Years day. And, I really took my time. It was one of the best wake-ups I've had in a few days because I could afford to take a long time doing it.

  5. #5
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    Default the ol' bean huh?

    hi there. i am just getting into straight razor shaving. i actually bought my soap and brush today! i have a question though. the one thing that is really holding me back is that i shave my head, and i am scared to do that with a straight by myself. is it possible? or is it probably a lot easier than i think? any advice or encouragement would be helpful. thanks!

  6. #6
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    well, i shaved my head this evening with my str8, the one piece of advice i will give you is to become comfortable doing your face first, while there is very little stretching involved with shaving your scalp, you must remember that any little nick, or slice will bleed you like an overly gratuitous slasher film. have a sharp razor, go slow, and be patient. your scalp will feel a little raw as you shave, at least mine does, but a splash of thayers witch hazel afterwards, and its all good. my post shave on my scalp is a product called bald guyz moisture gel, helps to quell the irratation a little more. enjoy the feeling when you finally get it done cleanly, and remember what you did to get it there, and keep doing it. have fun
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

  7. #7
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastewart View Post
    No new shave rituals to report, but I'm happy to hear yours went well, and congratulations on periodically developing inane habits to pass on to your son. I wish I'd done more of that while the kids were younger; it's a great thing in later life to have memories of a warped but basically harmless dad.

    i am well on my way to being that harmless and warped dad, at least that is what my teenage daughter tells me, but from where i stand look at her, i know for a FACT, that i am TOTALLY rubbing off on her, and deep inside me i am smiling. as for my son, well we attend kung fu classes together, so that is something else we share.
    always be yourself...unless you suck. Joss Whedon

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