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  1. #1
    Member 12stones's Avatar
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    Default Shaving Everyday?

    Even though I've been shaving strictly with a SR for going on 9 months now, I still consider myself a newbie, so I'm posting this question here.

    What's the key to shaving everyday? I get a nice smooth shave with no problems one day, but if I try to shave the next day, then it's like hell on my face. I have to leave at least one day between shaves for there not to be some serious discomfort. I'd like to be able to shave everyday, though, just to keep a neat appearance. Any suggestions or ideas?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    I had a similar experience for the first few months. I think there was a combination of things I had to get over .
    For one, I believe I needed to learn to shave with LESS pressure. I know everyone says they don't use pressure, but i do not believe in the beginning we really know how to properly shave,
    Then i think my face needed to adjust to this new method of shaving(this took a while).
    I think in the end it's different for everyone , but you'll be fine,,, just keep plugging away at it.
    Having Fun Shaving

  3. #3
    I'm just sayin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by coachmike View Post
    I believe I needed to learn to shave with LESS pressure. I know everyone says they don't use pressure, but i do not believe in the beginning we really know how to properly shave.
    Well said coach. Once I learned to apply virtually no pressure, I was able to get good daily shaves. I don't know if this is universal, but I found that watching shaving videos, while extremely helpful, led me to use too much pressure. The audible feedback (scraping and scratching) gave me the impression of greater pressure. Once I overcame the pressure issue, it all seemed to fall into place.

  4. #4
    Member 12stones's Avatar
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    I'll have to pay more attention to the amount of pressure. Thinking on it, it doesn't seem like I use much, but maybe I'm using more than I realize. Thanks for the tips.

  5. #5
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Coach is right on, but I have to many passes do you make? I personally only do two, one WTG, one ATG, & touch-ups to my trouble areas of the chin & throat on each side of the adams apple. When I go to three passes my face gets tender as well...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    By now your face should be accustomed to the razor so I would guess its either a matter of using the wrong angle or pressure or too many passes.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #7
    Senior Member cyclelu's Avatar
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    I have issues when I do use to much pressure as has been said previously. Any time that I just let my mind wonder and apply a bit of pressure then my face is sore the next day and the shave is not as good. Concentrate on no pressure.


  8. #8
    Horsefarmer Scott's Avatar
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    Just keep on shaving. Your face will accomodate and your technique will improve ( because it will have to). Scott

  9. #9
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    Good information, honestly, I wouldn't have thought many people were shaving daily. Glad to know it's possible with practice.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Soilarch's Avatar
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    I'm much like's been 9 months to a year for me. (Can't remember exactly.)

    I happen to be working on the same issue as well. I only shave above and below my beard. But to each side of my adam's apple is very sensitive skin (I remember this well from my pre-beard days)

    I'll pass on what I've found helps for ME...but must confess I can only do two days in a row...then I must let it rest for a day or two.

    P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E!!! That's been mentioned, but I mean you don't want any more pressure than it takes to keep the blade on the skin. I find I also use lower blade angles with lower pressure. (Which makes the neck tricky...but it's worth it)

    With the grain, and across the grain. For my neck, against the grain is a no-no. My cheeks, it's not a problem.

    I only have two razors in shaving condition right now. One is a full-hollow Boker and the other is not quite a wedge. The razor with a heavier grind is less irritating. But I prefer the Boker for other reasons. There may be another variable at play here. Basically, use this as an excuse to buy another razor I know I've a half dozen razors waiting for me to put scales on them...and this subject is one reason I'm DIEING to get them done.

    I think letting the lather sit for awhile helps too. I lather, strop, then lather again to re-wet everything.

    After the shave.....splash with cold water and some type of lotion. I actuall use some Edge "Active Care" Revitalizing Shave Cream that smells like mint. (Wal-mart) I use it like a lotion. Says it has Vit E and B-5...don't know or care if that has anything to do with it, but it makes a difference compared to using regular hand lotion.

    Like I said, I ain't there yet...but I'm zeroing in on it. Maybe some of that will help.

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