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  1. #1
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    Default Howdy! Advice on next razor?

    So my girlfriend got me the gold dollar plus filly strop kit for Christmas. I'm digging it. My technique is coming along, the shaves are going pretty well and most importantly, shaving has become something that I look forward too instead of a chore to rush through when I get tired of having the stubble.

    So, since this has become my new obsession I'm looking for advice on a second razor. Why get a second razor? Why not

    Anyway, my facial hair isn't very dense, but is dark and decently tough. I'm currently sporting a 'stache and goatee (requiring a bit of precision work); but this is apt to change at a moments notice.

    So, whaddya all suggest for a second razor? I won't be getting anything for another couple of months or so (to reduce extraneous factors while improving technique) but figured I should start looking in case something awesome came up in the classifieds.

    To reiterate, the current razor is a Rup Razor gold dollar, 6/8 round point hollow ground. Should I be looking for wedges, half hollows, spike points? I'm looking at this as a next step in finding what I like best.

    Thanks all!
    Last edited by NapalmCheese; 01-08-2010 at 08:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Retired Developer
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    Right now, I'd go for this one:

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    since there's plenty of time just look around every now and then and you'll probably get an idea what you'd like to pick.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Check out razor clubs here in the razors sub forum. That will give you an idea of what other guys favs are. The only way to really know if you will like a wedge or a larger or smaller blade it to try it. IME I've never met a type of straight razor I didn't like.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    The only way to really know if you will like a wedge or a larger or smaller blade it to try it.
    Precisely! Though other people's experiences are helpful I'll check out the clubs. Awesome idea.

    As a previous post stated, I've got plenty of time to check out stuff that comes down the line until something really says "Hey, you /neeeeeeed/ me!" haha

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Part of what makes it so much fun is experimenting with so many different blades. Then if you get into honing them it is a whole other world of variety.
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  7. #7
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    It sounds like you might be looking for something different than your Gold Dollar. I think two of the more significant variables include blade width and blade tip. I consider blade width the biggest difference between shave action.

    My suggestion is to buy a blade with a smaller width blade than the Gold Dollar for comparison.

  8. #8
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    The previous posts offer you some excellent advice. Besides the clubs, check the SRP Classifieds and peruse the websites of the different vendors who advertise here at SRP--Straight Razor Designs, Vintage Blades, Classic Shaving, etc. Half the fun of buying a new razor is surfing the internet and finding out what's available in terms of quality brands of str8 razors, blade styles and sizes, scales, etc. There's no need to rush.

    Of course, if you are looking for precision you may want to consider a spike point or a Spanish point str8 razor for your second purchase.

    As for me...This is what I would like to add to my collection...
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  9. #9
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    Thanks all for the advice. Experimenting is awesome, long live research!

  10. #10
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    If you already have a full hollow, maybe check out a 1/4 hollow or a wedge. I have a full hollow, a 1/2 hollow, and a 1/4 hollow razor, they all feel different and I like the contrast. If you get a 1/4 hollow and decide you don't like it, then you'll know you are a full hollow kind of guy, and you can always sell it here on the classified (but I bet you won't...)


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