You might be onto something. You sure get a lot more nicks with a dull razor than a sharp one. I think the natural tendency must be to push harder thinking that you're not getting a good shave because of your technique instead of it being a dull razor. I know it was for me. But when those babies are really sharp it doesn't take any pressure at all. Totally a night and day difference.

I wonder how many people have tried a SR only to be discouraged by nicks, cuts, razor burn and overall lousy shaves and have given up. For me if it hadn't been for SRP and a lot of reading I might have given up too. There's a lot to learn, it's not just whipping out your Mach 3 and having at it. But I'll say this after having held a piece of cold steel to my face every morning for the past 40 years... I'm sure having a good time learning.
