I feel your pain Alembic, literally. haha! I did my 3rd shave earlier today and so far every time my lower neck has been razor burned. I'm going to take the weekend off to rest it up.

I've got pretty thick/coarse facial hair that grows fast. I'm thinking that I may have to switch to shaving every other day or every couple of days till my face gets used to straight shaving. Good thing my job doesn't mind me looking like a scruffy bum.

My preshave is merely:

Hot shower
Art of Shaving pre-shave oil

Lather up
shave once with the grain (except the neck I'm not 100% with the grain but working on that)

I did use the nivea aftershave for sensitive skin and it felt pretty good for most of the day, untill I rubbed my neck and aggrivated the area.