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Thread: Beginners Tips: Jan 2010

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Arrow Beginners Tips: Jan 2010

    I often times read through the new threads and posts and notice trends..

    Here are some tips for beginners following the trends that I have noticed in the last month or so...

    Learn to shave first, then learn to hone, there is just to much information overload to try and do both at the beginning...

    Stay away from E-bay until you feel so comfortable as to buy a razor or a stone without having to ask for an opinion or advice..

    Buy a shave ready razor, and buy it from a source that you truly believe that the statement "shave ready" means something.. The statement, "I can shave with it" means little... Heck I have shaved with a razor off a 1k stone just to prove a point doesn't mean you can.. A confident hand can shave a much duller razor than you can..

    There really are very, very, very, few true steals on hones on E-bay...

    There are very, very, very, few good hones on E-bay period

    If there is a good hone on E-bay trust me here, most of the Hone Hounds know it is there, and the bidding doesn't even count till the last 10 seconds..

    Stropping is the most important new skill you have to learn, not honing..

    Buy a good solid strop, I always advise Linen and Leather but the linen is JMHO not everyone's

    Map your face before you ever get you first straight razor.. WTG ATG & XTG are actually different form N-S and E-W strokes you have to figure out which direction goes with each part of your face...And more importantly how you are going to manage to get the edge of the SR to move across the S T R E C H E D skin smoothly and at the right angle...

    PREP!!!! yeah it really does make a huge difference and heck it is a ton of fun...

    Before buying a hone of any type read the Wiki, in there you will find some articles about deciding what your use will be, that will help to determine the right stone(s) for you... Everyone does not need a set of Shaptons or a Japanese Natural... Read the threads in the honing section that ask "What hone should I buy" and realize that 99% of the people answering are only recommending what they use...

    I hope I might have answered a question for you...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 10-20-2010 at 07:29 PM.

  2. The Following 31 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    4beez (04-30-2012), AFDavis11 (01-20-2010), alvydas (08-04-2014), aznaod7 (04-19-2010), BeBerlin (01-18-2010), BKratchmer (01-19-2010), CraigC (01-14-2013), Dachsmith (08-26-2016), Del1r1um (01-19-2010), DLobo (01-19-2010), drej16 (01-20-2010), Earthdawn (01-18-2010), elfort (01-19-2010), hakan (10-11-2010), jmercer (12-26-2014), jpm7676 (04-20-2010), ktkeith (01-19-2010), Muguser (04-22-2010), onimaru55 (01-19-2010), PaddyX21 (05-23-2011), rhockens (08-12-2014), Rmaldon240 (01-18-2010), RoadKingMoe (03-01-2010), RoobtheLoob (07-05-2013), Sailinblues (01-18-2010), sashimi (01-09-2013), ShavedZombie (01-18-2010), shooter1 (01-18-2010), Silents (04-21-2012), SR-CMT (01-18-2010), welshwizard (01-18-2010)

  3. #2
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    Stellar stuff. I think we should amend both the FAQ and the "What hone(s) do I need?) Wiki article accordingly.


  4. #3
    Senior Member shooter1's Avatar
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    Glen - Great post and terrific stuff. Concise no BS advice based on solid experience.

    BeBerlin - a big +1

  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    OK I even linked the article I was referring to yes amazing I did a Wiki link....Don't everyone fall off their chair at once...

  6. #5
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    As a newbie myself, I can say you are right on the mark. This is a job where patience is king. Have it, find it or forget it.


  7. #6
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Good advice.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Well done Glen!! We should bump this thread once a month, maybe once a week. It will be very helpful to those just starting out and they won't have to search far.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  9. #8
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    GREAT advice and if followed will make the whole begginers experience 1000% better and much less frustrating !

    Outstanding article Glenn

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    OK I even linked the article I was referring to yes amazing I did a Wiki link....Don't everyone fall off their chair at once...
    We are Wiki of Borg. You will be assimilated.

    What hone(s) do I need? - Straight Razor Place Wiki should be much better now. Thanks!

  11. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Another one that I just thought of

    Quit testing the edge, testing the edge is for those honing the razor, if your not honing razors the only test you need to know how to do is the shave test and make sure you study up for it before taking that test...

    Want to dull that sweet edge that you just paid to have put on there, go ahead and test it... If you just have to have an idea of what those tests feel like, buy some DE blades and do the tests on them...

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