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  1. #1
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    Default How long does it take ....

    Yesterday, I shaved with my first real straight razor, a professionally honed Clauss. And hacked up my face worse than my wife would prefer.

    How long does it take to become generally successful?

    How long does it take to avoid major gashes pretty much always?

    How many shaves did it take before you knew you could do it?

    How many shaves would you endure before deciding you're not the target market for straight razors?

  2. #2
    Member KingOfBreifne's Avatar
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    Did you shave your entire face on your first attempt? I think there is wisdom in the baby steps method of building up to a whole-face shave.

  3. #3
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I takes as long as it takes..

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    It depends on the individual. If you go to the SRP Wiki here and read Lynn's suggestions on the first straight razor shave he suggests dipping your foot in the water before you dive in. A gradual introduction might save you from frustration. Read my sig below and you may avoid nicking your face. It will get better but take it slow and work on preparation, blade angle and stretching the skin.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bootstrap View Post
    Yesterday, I shaved with my first real straight razor, a professionally honed Clauss. And hacked up my face worse than my wife would prefer.

    How long does it take to become generally successful?

    How long does it take to avoid major gashes pretty much always?

    How many shaves did it take before you knew you could do it?

    How many shaves would you endure before deciding you're not the target market for straight razors?
    The answer to this is going to depend on the individual. I never gave myself a serious cut, and I was getting good shaves within a day or two. But as I have posted previously, I came to straight razor shaving from a long tradition of proper wet shaving with other tools (DE safety razors, single edge injectors, various disposable cartrige types). I also approached this with good general knowledge as to how one can avoid cuting onself with even very sharp objects (It is too long and detailed to go into that here, but if you have ever seen a sword walker, you should know that while there is a trick, it does not involve the use of a dull blade).

    This is not to say I have not drawn blood on occasion, because to say that would be a lie. I have given myself my share of nicks and scratches, but never a serious gash or slice. In almost all cases, this was due to either 1) getting distracted and catching my skin with a spike point or 2) shaving off a small bump that I was unaware of.

  6. #6
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Listen to Bart, although I do have answers for the last 2 questions:

    How many shaves did it take before you knew you could do it?
    I knew I had it in me, I just had to learn.

    How many shaves would you endure before deciding you're not the target market for straight razors?
    The target market is "people with hair that needs to be shaved off." I fit the bill. How many shaves would I endure: I'm not a quitter. Are you?

  7. #7
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Hi Bootstrap,

    Well, how long depends on a few things such as the approach you take to learning this stuff, your level of dedication and so on I would think. It is not going to be just a matter of time with straights. It is also a matter of how productive you can be at assimilating information into your learning curve.

    However, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there is never a time when you can say you will not cut yourself - one momentary lapse of concentration is all it takes, even for the most experienced users.

    In terms of the amount of time it takes to get good shaves on a regular basis, I have heard of people's experiences ranging from several weeks to 9 months or more. Again, this all depends on the levels of support available to you (eg SRP and the WIKI) and how you go about using and incorporating that support into your learning.

    Personally, I *knew* I could shave with a straight the first time I picked one up. It was not a particularly successful shave, but I did know it was for me. The thing that makes me love straights, and I think the thing that you would do well to keep at the front of your mind, is that straights are a lifelong learning. There is always something new to know.

    You should not endure nasty shaves. Make sure you read the Wiki beginners guides and have an idea of how that info translates to your actual shave. Looking at a few shaving videos in the Videos sub forum might help there. And ask lots of questions - we are here to help. But make sure your questions are directed toward something that we can be of material help to you with - you know, things like how to stretch effectively, the best way to grip a razor, how to strop correctly, how to test the edge for sharpness, what angle to use when shaving - that kind of stuff.

    Good luck!

    <This signature intentionally left blank>

  8. #8
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    It was bit rough for me starting out too. I thought these numbers based on my experience would help you see some light at the end of this process:

    25 shaves
    become somewhat proficient and getting a good BB

    Beyond 25 shaves, you will refine your technique to consistently get a great BBS shave and to do it faster. There will be some areas around the neck and jawline that will always be little challanging for you and you will finess your technique to shave them better.

    My little cuts and weepers made make a better shaver and quickly. I was determined to straight shave. 1/2 my challenge was learning the technique and the other 1/2 was having the right tool (badger brush, decent shaving soap, strop, pasted paddle strop.

    I have only 3 dispoosable razors and 4 fixed straight razors. I do have the bug to add more straight razors to my collection, but I think 7 will be my limit.

    Good Luck and don't force it. Just build on your progress each shave. Wiki SRP is right on the money.


  9. #9
    Marine raghur's Avatar
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    How long does it take to become generally successful?
    How long does it take to avoid major gashes pretty much always?
    - The first two questions pretty much go hand in hand. Depends on what you determine success to be. If it is a BBS shave every time, then I would say that it may be awhile. If you say that success is a good shave with a couple of minor nicks, no cuts, and not BBS; then that is achievable by taking your time and can be done pretty quickly. I will say that after doing this for some years, I still cut and nick myself especially when I am not paying attention (kid walks in and grabs my leg to show me something etc). In fact 3 days ago I put the razor on my face at the wrong angle and just touching it to my face incorrectly I cut my face.

    How many shaves did it take before you knew you could do it?
    - 1 - but I cut my self and had some stick-to-itness that drove me to keep trying until I got it right. I learned what not to do next time. I also realized that my razor pressure was too much causing me razor burn.

    How many shaves would you endure before deciding you're not the target market for straight razors?
    - This is an interesting question because I don't see commercials for straight razors with cute girls waggin their tails saying that if you shave with a straight you will get the money, car, and job like other things that have a defined "target market". I therefore think that the "target market" is those individuals who want to hold to tradition, and in some sense get a kick out of the history of straight razor shaving. With that said, it is my opinion that you would be the only one to decide if you are the "target market".

    Stick with it, take your time, use a light touch, and pay attention. You will be fine.

  10. #10
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default How Long Does It Take?

    Hello, Bootstrap:

    I suggest forgetting the question of how long it will take you to become proficient at shaving with a straight razor. Throw away the clock and the calendar. Instead, let your skill develop naturally, within the scope of your capability, concentration and physical dexterity.

    I look at the world of traditional shaving with a straight razor also philosophically. That belief has helped me tremendously. It will continue to so — because I will always regard myself as a straight razor pilgrim, open to ideas and explorations.

    The Wiki has mounds of information for you. The many experts at SRP also are more than willing to help you. These learned ladies and gentlemen know their stuff, I assure you from personal experience.

    The occasional nicks are part of shaving with a straight razor. Even the pros taste a nick or two now and then. Accept it and keep on shaving. Realize that once you get hooked on shaving with a straight razor, you and your blade will become lifetime friends. You will get to know each other, so to speak. Some friendships take time to develop. How much time depends on circumstances.

    Have patience. Be methodical. Ease the blade pressure. Take care.

    Good luck to you.



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