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  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Feather makes some disposables that are made to feel more like a straight scale wise and look more substantial.
    I am an occasional Feather user...

    Feather Razor "Artist Club RG" Solid Brass...

    For the same amount of starting money you can get a shave ready quality
    razor.... But then add a strop and hone set and other stuff and the Feather
    can be a less expensive way to start and discover the 'art' of
    open blade shaving.

    It does feel very different from a full hollow singing blade, perhaps
    more like a heavy half hollow. It is sharp, no compromise sharp... and
    since Feather now has three different blades it is possible to "tune"
    your shave.

    Try as I might I can not yet get any of my str8s as sharp as Feather
    gets their blades. I keep going back to it to remind myself
    of the goal when honing and stropping.

    Since I have a Feather... I have to ask myself why I just bought
    four fixer upper str8s today to add to my kit. Well some days
    is is more than just shaving and some days it is just shaving.

  2. #22
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    Yesterday, I tried my disposable straight again, together with my Clauss, shaving with one, then the other. The disposable has one advantage - I know full well that the blade is sharp, and my Clauss is definitely not quite that sharp. I'm beginning to wonder if my Clauss is sharp enough, I don't know enough, at this stage, to be able to tell.

    The disposable has one disadvantage - I still cut myself with it.

  3. #23
    Member prrfan's Avatar
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    I too started with a Feather disposable, but mine was actually designed with a "safety" blade. Then a purchased a Dovo best and can say that I really wish I had just jumped in and bought the Dovo first. There was nothing wrong with the feather, but it is verrry sharp and did not seem IMHO to be as agile of a shaver as what the Dovo has been.

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