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  1. #1
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    Default 1 Hand vs. 2 Hands

    Hi all,

    I am scared to death to try and shave with my left hand. Not sure how many of you have had issues with this. I have yet to try it. I see it suggested by most this is the best way of going about shaving. Anyone have any issues where they only use 1 hand, or do all of you use 2?

  2. #2
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    It just takes practice. After a year I am probably not quite 100% as nimble with my left, but it is close.

    Trying doing other things with your left hand to build up the dexterity(brush your teeth, lather,etc...)

    Quote Originally Posted by cmontgomery View Post
    Hi all,

    I am scared to death to try and shave with my left hand. Not sure how many of you have had issues with this. I have yet to try it. I see it suggested by most this is the best way of going about shaving. Anyone have any issues where they only use 1 hand, or do all of you use 2?

  3. #3
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    I need a lot of work, only things I do well with my left hand is catch a ball and lift a beer. I even feel uncomfortable holding a cigar in my left hand.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The way I got to where I could shave with my left hand was by following the advice of forum member dannywonderful and practicing manipulating the blade on my face while watching TV. Somehow trying to do it while looking in the mirror confounded me. Once I got used to going through the motions without looking I was able to do it in the mirror and had the muscle memory from the practice sessions. I used a dull blade BTW.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #5
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    As dumb as this might sound, I remember practicing the different shaving angles and hand positions of my left hand (I'm right handed) using a small comb about the size of a razor. I just pretended that the back of the comb was the spine of the razor and that the teeth were the edge. It got me a little more comfortable with using the wrong hand while going through the shaving motions without the fear of cutting myself if I had used a real razor.

  6. #6
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    Good shaving with the non-dominant hand comes very quickly. I think I now do a better job with my left hand, though there are a few places where the reverse is true. And by no means am I close to ambidextrous.

    Go to it...slowly of course.

    Best to you.

  7. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default 1 Hand vs. 2 Hands

    Hello, CMontgomery:

    I, too, began using two hands from the first day — and managed a dozen heart attacks the first time with the left hand.

    Lynn was my model, since he shaves with two hands, and I am glad I learned the practice from him.

    Subsequently I used my left hand as much as I did — for brushing teeth, picking things up, and so on — and the exercise has paid off.



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    Thanks everyone. I will work on it. I just hope to keep the flesh on my face!

  9. #9
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    Being left handed I learned to do a lot of things with my right and practice does make for improvements. Go slowly and focus. I am practicing with my safety razor with my right just to gain some confidence before I take my first shot with a straight.

    I think the axiom of "if you fear the blade it will cut you," is universally true. Working in a restaurant kitchen I see it all the time when people pick up a mandolin. The ones who want a guard and are very nervous always cut themselves. You are going to get cut, keep some bandaids around. Focus on the task at hand as if your life depends on it.

  10. #10
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I use both hands when shaving, but I only use my left hand when shaving downwards on the left side of my face. For everything else, I use my right hand. If I'm not mistaken, I think BladeWielder posted a video of one handed shave technique. You can get a great shave with only one hand, if you so desire. I find using the left hand for some areas makes things easier, but if it's not easier for you, there is no reason to force it.

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