Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums and just looking to really get into shaving as an art and hobby as opposed to a choir. I'm a pretty young college guy*19* that is really looking for some advice about how to move into the world of more traditional shaving after using cheap disposable razors for years.

I have been doing some research on the topic of different types of razors and I'm sort of hoping I could get some guidance on which to go with. I would like to some day eventually use a straight razor however I don't know if that is the best place for me to start. I am a bit unsure about the stropping and honing and whatnot and therefore think it might be worth trying out a Shavette or Safety Razor like one from Classic Shaving.com before I progress into straight razors. Unfortunately right now money is a bit of an issue which makes the shavette and safety razor option seem a bit more appealing.

What do you guys think would be a good option or choice for a newbie?

By the way, here are some of the safety razors/shavette I have been considering:
Safety Razors & Blades
Safety Razors & Blades
Safety Razors & Blades
Safety Razors & Blades
DOVO Straight Razors

Thanks in advance for any help or advice!