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  1. #11
    Maq is offline
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    Default what razor width is best for newbie or lifetime shaver

    This is a great thread and making some great points. When I got started I read lynn's DVD. I've come to the conclustion that it is personal preference, based on your beard type and style of shaving.

    My current favorite is a 5/8 1/4 hollow... I have found myself collecting enough razors that I am begining to be able to try differnt razor blade widths.. I am interested in determining which blades I prefer.

    I have a best friend who is even selling anything that is not 7/8 round point. I want to try them all and then decide which I like best.

    I'll admitt my first was a square point and I punctured myself a few times and then chipped it in the sink.. not watching and rinsing.. wouldn't have happened with a round point!! But... not likely to happen now anyway... since I've learned how to shave properly!

    Nice post!


  2. #12
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    There are arguments for everything, which is part of the fun, really.

    I started with two Wacker 4/8s (full hollow and 1/4 hollow), and worked my way up. The pro for small razors: they offer manoeuvrability. The con: they are harder to hold flat on the strop, and it is harder to maintain a steady angle when shaving. I use 7 and 8/8s almost exclusively these days, but also have a few 6/8s I enjoy using (like the Revisor "Seemann" and the Dovo "Bismarck"). The pro for big blades: heft, and stability (ok, they also look good...). The con: heft, stability, and price.

    And this is why we recommend 5 or 6/8 hollows with round points. They are in the middle of everything, easy to use and maintain, but also are usually the most affordable razors, simply because there are so many of them around.

    A personal remark: big blades do not deliver "better" shaves than small ones. Their handling is simply different. I have two 5/8s left which deliver shaves that are every bit as good as those by my big blades, if not better. I simply have no need for the manoeuvrability, and find it comfortable not to have to constantly rinse lather from the blade.

    Last edited by BeBerlin; 03-06-2010 at 10:44 AM.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BeBerlin For This Useful Post:

    Doublewood (03-06-2010), Maq (03-06-2010)

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