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  1. #11
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbtusa View Post
    I just read the on-line book "Shaving Made Easy" and now I'm really discouraged. It says that the hone, strop, brush and soap must be as good of quality as the razor. No scrimping. My gosh, how does a newbie afford all of this high priced stuff? Secondly, how does a newbie even know quality when he sees it?

    ++1 on the previous quotes...Quality needn't be outside of your budget. Nor do you need all of the equipment that was listed in that 1905 book to begin str8 razor shaving. You can start with just a razor, strop, brush, and soap for approx. 70-80 bucks plus shipping and handling.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Another thing to consider is that once you discover the pleasures of using a shaving brush and soap versus the canned goo chances are regardless of whether you stick with straight razors, DEs or whatever you'll always use the brush to lather with.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #13
    Big and called Ian. BigIan's Avatar
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    You know your budget, simply buy the best you can afford. and build on it.

    Here in the uk, you can buy a synthetic brush and soap for less than £10 from asda.

    all you need then is a razor and a strop. Yupu can build your collection from there, getting better products as you go along. itsd what i did and i`m quite happy with my set up.

  4. #14
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    You need a decent quality razor and strop. The rest doesn't need to be expensive. Plenty of reasonable shaving brushes that won't break the bank.
    I'll probably get shot down in flames by the others, but many of the soaps, pre-shaves and aftershaves are very overpriced and overrated.

    The basic make-up of most of the soaps and creams is very similar. I bought an inexpensive tube of Palmolive shaving cream at the supermarket, apart from the smell, it's performance is about the same as my expensive tub of Trumpers cream. In fact, it doesn't dry out quite so fast on the face.

    People often ask how they can tell good from bad, to be honest, common sense works wonders.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  5. #15
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    BeBerlin wrote an excellent article on shopping as a beginner.

  6. #16
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    I bought an antique store razor for 15, the 8 dollar soap/brush/bowl from WalMart, and a begginers strop from tony miller for 20. I asked around and got my razor honed for free.



  7. #17
    Senior Member ziggy925's Avatar
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    You need good, not great. With some experience now, but still a novice, here's the way I would go: If you are on a tight budget you can get the set from RupRazor. $60 for a "good" shave ready razor and strop. While I like the Dovo a little better, the Gold Dollar from Rup is a nice razor, and Ken will resharpen it for free if you screw it up when you get started. Lynn at SRD gives you a shave ready Dovo for well under $100, and even throws in a free sharpening, too. So, you don't need to worry about hones and sharpening for awhile. That said, there are quite a few honemeisters here who can sharpen your razor a lot of times before you hit the cost of all the hones and stuff you will need to sharpen a razor, not to mention the experience.

    Some cup soap from Wal-Mart and an Omega brush from Amazon and you're in business. My calculator says this will all cost you around $80 -- you supply the empty cup for the soap.

    If you get into it you can always upgrade, and having more than one razor isn't a bad thing. You will also probably cut up your strop as a novice, so the Rup is a bargain, and you can upgrade that, too, when the time comes.

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