Hi Paulson,

From my experience, unless you get the dreaded "aquisition disorders" most people have here, you do not need to buy really high end anything to get started.

But its like this. For each part of the following:

1. Razor
2. Strop
3. Beard Prep Treatment
4. Shaving
5. Post Shave Treatment
6. Razor Maintenance

whenever you incrementally improve what you are doing or using, it results in either a better shave or a better shaving experience.

The "doing" part is free. That is just practice and experience. The "using" part is where you can really get that "aquisition disorder" trying to find the ever elusive "BBS". And, though the equipment is important, really good equipment and poor technique = terrible shave.

So, the short answer is yes, you can get by with just a strop and razor. The long answer is you will be disapointed with the results and probably not learn good technique before you stop.

Others here have suggested just the right thing. Col. Conk soap, cheapo brush and the coffee mug your girlfriend left when she moved out. That will be a good use for it.

Do not cheap out on the razor and strop. Look at the classifieds for a shave ready razor to get started. Good luck.
