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Thread: New To SRP + Question
03-21-2010, 11:35 PM #1
New To SRP + Question
Hey guys!
My name is Zelka, I am from Australia. Recently been interested in Straight Razor shaving since my electric broke and I got a straight razor shave from my barber. I've been reading up on it, mostly here and some other articles in mens sites.
I am most likely going to invest in a Dovo Shavette (despite the girly name). The problem is that I cannot find one in Australia, and shipping price is quite prohibitive.
The only real place I have found one for a reasonable price is (price is in AUD):
Dovo Shavette Disposable Blade Straight Razor (Cut Throat Razor) Stainless Steel Handle - Buy Men's Skin Care and Shaving Products Online - Men's Biz
Which has been out of stock for a while. I sent an email, no response yet.
I did some quick research on eBay (Which is apparently bad for this type of thing), found most things to be quite lacking. There is however this:
DOVO SILVER SHAVETTE SS RAZOR - NEW - eBay Straight Razors, Razors Razor Blades, Shaving Hair Removal, Health Beauty. (end time 04-Apr-10 02:36:46 AEST)
The price is excellent, with $4.00 shipping to Australia. I thought I would ask your guys opinion?
03-21-2010, 11:39 PM #2
Hang in there for a second before you pull the trigger on that one (not because of any particular reason, other than the australian SRP members coming soon, I know there are a few that can help you out)
03-22-2010, 12:11 AM #3
New To SRP + Question
Hello, Zelka:
Welcome to SRP.
If you really are sold on starting out with a straight razor with replaceable blades, may I suggest two other ones you might like?
First, for this type of a razor, you cannot beat the Feather. It is a bit costly, yes, but I think it is great for what it is. The Feather has extremely sharp blades dispensed from a cartridge.
The other one I highly recommend is the Monsieur Charles. It uses inexpensive Personna replaceable blades, also dispensed from a cartridge.
And, yes, sure, as Dave suggests, don't rush into anything yet until our Australian members respond to your questions.
03-22-2010, 12:11 AM #4
Hey Zelka,
I just realized that I have one I bought years ago and used only a handful of times. If you want to pay shipping from Texas, I'll give it you for free.
Here a picture I just took real quick with my phone.
03-22-2010, 12:38 AM #5
Welcome to SRP Zelka.
I was going to suggest asking at your local "Shaver Shop" but fleetwood's offer has to be to good to pass upThe white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.
03-22-2010, 04:13 AM #6
Thanks for your replies guys.
Obie: Yeah i have seen the Feather one, but the cost is highly prohibitive for me at this time. I was even hesitant to pay the $60 for the Dovo one, since this will be the first time using a straight, and I could suck at it.
You did get me thinking about the Monsieur Charles one until I saw Dan's (fleetwood) response.
onimaru55: Thanks for the warm welcome, I've been to a couple of shops + some barbers/hairdressers including my own, and no such luck. The one shop that had a chance was some obscure novelty shop with all these cigars, pipes and other fine collectibles. He was at first hesitant to talk to me about it, but I later found out that he can get Dovo products in, but not the Shavette as his rep did not carry them.
Thank you for your generous offer Dan. Really that is amazing. I think I will take you up on it! You can email me on [email protected] to sort it out!
Postage to Orange NSW Australia, Postcode: 2800 please
03-22-2010, 11:17 AM #7
New to SRP + Question
Hello, Zelka:
I am always amazed at how things frequently seem to work out. Thanks to our good man Fleetwood's kindness and generosity, you're all set to go. Welcome aboard, and good luck.
03-22-2010, 11:31 AM #8
Thanks for the warm welcome Obie! I hope to learn this quickly and without too many nicks
Fleetwood is indeed as generous as he is kind!
The Following User Says Thank You to Zelka For This Useful Post:
Obie (03-22-2010)
03-22-2010, 12:37 PM #9
No problem, hope you enjoy.