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  1. #21
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    When I'm lazy and take my time I run about 20 mins but avg about 10 to 15 depending on how fuzzy the mirror is in the morning

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  3. #22
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    From start to finish, about 30 minutes, though that includes putting on the coffee, feeding the cats, saying hello to the dog etc. I've never been that quick at shaving.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  5. #23
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    I often have to get up at 04:00am to get a plane, in which case I use a razor I stropped the previous night. I can get by with less than 10 minutes like that. Efficient, but not necessarily enjoyable.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  7. #24
    Senior Member Arrowhead's Avatar
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    I'm not confident enough to rush it yet, but about 20 minutes all in of which less than 10 are actually shaving. I'd rather skip shaving than skimp on preparation.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  9. #25
    Senior Member AussiePostie's Avatar
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    15 minutes when I am in a hurry. but usually I like to just take as long as it takes.Sometimes I will lather up and do a 4th pass just for the hell of it. If you can get away with it shave at night and take all the time you want. Unless your on a promise then break out the back up DE for a quick 5 minute job.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  11. #26
    Member JohnDee's Avatar
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    I the beginning I needed around 35 minutes when I was in the real learning phase. In those 35 minutes I did stropping, prep and only one wtg pass. The results at that time were not even close to good. With a little practice (few months) I can get a BBS in about 15 minutes with a WTG, XTG and ATG pass. Now I can even get a reasonable shave with one WTG pass which takes just a few minutes.

    When I was learing, my shaving time took most of the time. After a while I noticed my prep time became longer and my shaving time shorter. The prep phase is very important when it comes to straight shaving.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  13. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    i remember when start using straight i spend approx 30.45 minutes.later i ended up shaving in 5 minutes. I dont shave with 1 razor anymore and now again i spend at least 20 minutes.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  15. #28
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDee View Post
    When I was learing, my shaving time took most of the time. After a while I noticed my prep time became longer and my shaving time shorter. The prep phase is very important when it comes to straight shaving.
    +1. Very important observation IMO.

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    Deanstreet (03-28-2010)

  17. #29
    Senior Member metalfab's Avatar
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    When I first started about 45 to 50 minutes. (about 4 months ago) Now I'm at about 15 to 20 minutes for a normal shave. But on weekends when I have the time I treat myself hot towel double lather with hot towel cold towel at end of shave that can take time but starting off a Sat. like that is heaven.

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  19. #30
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    For me it takes an hour start to finish. That includes a hot shower prior to shave prep, and I'm doing my head as well. Blade to skin on my face is probably 10 minutes, and blade to skin on my head takes probably 20-25 minutes. It keeps getting shorter, but I still take my sweet time. I have visions of scalping myself.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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