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Thread: Nasty Shave

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There is a known history of Classic Soap burning. I've tried the original vanilla and sandlewood as well as the one of the premiums (I don't remember the scent) The premium unscented was fine. All the others burnt and I couldn't use them and that's the only brand of soap I've ever had problems with.
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  2. #12
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    There is a known history of Classic Soap burning. I've tried the original vanilla and sandlewood as well as the one of the premiums (I don't remember the scent) The premium unscented was fine. All the others burnt and I couldn't use them and that's the only brand of soap I've ever had problems with.
    Yep. I've only ever had trouble with burning from CS soaps... nice smells, decent lather... but it took a lot more soap to make the lather, and it BURNED.

  3. #13
    Senior Member fpatton's Avatar
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    If you like the sandalwood, but are having problems with that particular soap, I can highly recommend CarrieM's sandalwood. I ordered some a few weeks ago, and have been very pleased. I find most sandalwoods overpowering, but she made it with a lighter touch on the scent. No irritation, a great lather, and a really nice, mild aroma.


  4. #14
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    I would throw that product out instantly. The was some of the worst soap I have ever tried. It just wasn't a good product and sucked in many ways.

    it mad my face red for 20 minutes and then it would turn back normal. It did not burn, but was ugly

  5. #15
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyfingers View Post
    I would throw that product out instantly.
    Let's not be rash... keep the plastic tub for your new, non-CS refill puck.

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  7. #16
    Junior Member agranner's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the great advice. I'm throwing the CS soap away.

    I thought I would like the sandalwood: my first wet shave was with CT&E sandalwood cream which I liked. The CS stuff smelled very strange: oily, tangy, something else that did not sit well with me; actually made me a little nauseous.

    Anyway, I've ordered two soaps from Mama Bear's: "Aged Spice" which cracks me up. I hope it actually smells like old spice which I like a lot because it's kind of sweet.

    The other is Indian Tobacco Flower. As a pipe smoker, pipe tobacco is one of my favorite smells, but I also had flowering tobacco growing in the garden when I was growing up. I can't remember what it smelled like, but I remember I liked it.

    Until that comes, I'll use the peppermint soap from before. I like the smell and it doesn't irritate my face, but the lather is weak and I have to re-apply it often during the shave.

    I had a much better shave today; really getting the idea of NO PRESSURE. I thought I understood this before, but every time I try using less and it gets better and better. I did my first XTG pass and it was great: no tugging and the stubble stayed away much longer. Still not BBS and the stubble still came back after about 5 hours, but much better thanks to all the great advice on this site.

    Looking forward to getting a newly honed razor from hi_bud tomorrow. I'll let you all know how it goes.

    Very excited,

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  8. #17
    Member Peterazor's Avatar
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    I had a similar problem with Tabac which has a very strong scent. I ordered Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap and received it yesterday. Big difference. Scents are purely cosmetic and have no practical purpose other than they smell good. There are other soaps that are unscented and hypoallergenic. Art of Shaving makes one, although it's very expensive.
    Last edited by Peterazor; 03-29-2010 at 02:55 AM.

  9. #18
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Another good Sandalwood soap is Trumpers. It was the first soap I ever got and its a really good one. Great lather, good cushion and a smooth glide. I'd definately recommend it...!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  10. #19
    Junior Member agranner's Avatar
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    Default Update: a sharp razor helps

    I just got a new (to me) razor honed by hi_bud. I didn't realize what sharp was, but this makes a great difference. Now that I've learned not to use any pressure, this is what the shave should have been.

    The razor makes a "rasping" noise, but it doesn't pull. In fact, I can barely feel it at all. I'm a little scared of it though: it's a spike point, very hollow, with an impossibly slim bevel. I know I can trust it though, so I will master it.

    After this shave, I had a thought: I generally try to use just part of the blade because I think if I use the whole thing I'll lose track of a corner and cut myself. But actually, I want as much blade down as I can so the load is spread out. The more blade I use, the lighter the pressure will be and the closer the shave.

    Now I see why it takes so long to learn this.

    Still using the peppermint soap. I will update when Mama Bear's arrives.

    -- Aubrey

  11. #20
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    I have found the Classic soaps to be worthless. A few other sources for you to check are TGQ (I use Colleen's soaps exclusively) and Mama Bear (her's are also great). You can't go wrong with either, and both have large followings here at SPR.

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