Alright here goes. Why do I want to use a STR8? I've been reading all the forums, watched all the videos, bought Lynn's DVD and committed the ultimate sin and bought a Gold Dollar razor and Philly strop from Rup Razor and gave it a go a few (Maybe 3) times. I'm willing to admit that perhaps the Gold Dollar is junk but the act of STR8 shaving is an effort in futility for me. My hands don't know where to go or what to do, I look at that razor up against my neck in the mirror and I want to poop my pants. I don't have one of those round faces that everybody on the videos has, I'm more sculptured with sharp corners and pronounced bones and ridges. Let's not even talk about the fact that I have a number of birthdays under my belt and I'm wearing a few well earned wrinkles. I'm looking at the razor and strop sets at SRD. and before I pull the trigger on a nearly $200.00 purchase, is it worth it? I get real good shaves with a DE. HELP!