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  1. Coticules 101

    , 09-26-2012 at 12:21 AM
    Coticules, The legendary sharpening stone from Belgium. This is another topic we see frequently on the forum. Back when I joined SRP, they were all the rage. Having one was almost a requirement. Just joking...

    Coticules come in all shapes and sizes, 8x3,(200x75) 6x2 (150x50) are probably the most popular. In addition to the array of rectangular stones, The quarry produces "Bouts" (pronounced "Boo's") or irregular shaped stones, like trapzoids and the like. ...
    Foobar blogs
  2. Jnat buying 101

    , 09-23-2012 at 04:37 PM
    I read more and more posts about members having trouble with their Japanese Natural stones. These stones can be the best and the worst stone you ever bought as far as naturals go, only behind Coticules. That's another blog...
    What do I mean by that? Japanese naturals or "Jnats" are legendary in the world of sharpening, by straight razors users, knife enthusiasts, and woodworkers alike. With the correct stone, and skill, the edge is really hard to beat, unless you know how....Now, ...
    Foobar blogs
  3. Happy Holiday's

    , 12-16-2011 at 03:20 AM
    First off, I'd like to take this opportunity to say "Happy Holiday's to everyone. This time of year brings much welcomed cooler weather to the Sunshine state. I wrote a blog back in August about making some paddles. Big mistake when your shop is also your garage. Waaaaay too hot in August to attempt such a project. Maybe now with the cooler weather that will happen.

    I was looking around Target and Wal Mart recently for some plastic storage boxes for the majority of my razors not ...
    Foobar blogs
  4. New Paddles !!!!

    , 08-13-2011 at 01:21 AM
    I've been playing around in my garage with my new Dremmel scroll saw. The best part was, it was a gift from a friend at work, who received it in lieu of payment for a job, but has no need for it.
    I borrowed it once or twice, and it works well, especially for those of you making scales. The last time I borrowed it, He told me to just keep it...Very good friend indeed.

    Anyway, I have some soft pine, and decided to make a few paddles.
    I have some nice English Bridle leather, ...
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