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  1. #1
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    Default sweeny todd razor

    hi guys its the new comer again...i wanted to start using a straight razor first to save money...then i saw sweeny todd and really wanted to...not to kill the guy who tried to still my wife lol but the whole vintage thing...anyways i found on the net his straight razor and i know i shouldnt buy for looks but it is insainly awsome i love the shape and size of the blade...ive been readin up a whole lot about straight razors and how a to use and what to says it come shave ready but it is usually around 15 for me i am on an extreamly extramly tight budget and that is kinda up my ally...if you go to google shoping and just type in sweeny todd straight razor you can get it from many diffrent overstock ebay and so on...i really love the look and need some advise on weither i should try it?????? thanks!

  2. #2
    Retired Developer
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    There are two pieces of advice I can offer: (1) Read this: "sweeney todd" - Google-Suche and (2) read our Frequently Asked Questions - Straight Razor Place Wiki.

    Thank you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member LarryP's Avatar
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    Hello, hsakowski;

    I would echo BeBerlin's good advice, and add that straight razor shaving may not be the best way to save money, although in the long run it may be possible.

    Read the SRP Wiki Straight Razor Place Wiki There is a lot of information on straight razor shaving there. If you're serious about learning to shave with a straight, read up on the material and then make informed decisions for yourself. A cheaply-made $15 movie replica razor bought from ama-wherever probably isn't a serious shaving tool. Just remember that you get what you pay for.



  4. #4
    Senior Member AnarchoPhil's Avatar
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    You'll be throwing away $15 cuz

  5. #5
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hsakowski View Post
    .ive been readin up a whole lot about straight razors and how a to use and what to says it come shave ready but it is usually around 15 bucks need some advise on weither i should try it?????? thanks!
    Short answer is no. Heed BeBerlins excellent advice. You have either been reading incorrect information or have misinterpreted what you have read. 15 Dollars will usually only be enough to purchase a dose of disappointment.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  6. #6
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Hi hsakowski, from a fellow newb.

    You've got some great advice already. If you haven't bought a razor yet, I would suggest you look for your first quality shave ready razor on the SRP Classifieds. I bought my first razor there, a 4/8 Diamondine for all of $23.00 (including shipping) from Larry Andro -- AND it was shave ready for real!

    The sellers are SRP members more experienced than you or me, so we can trust 'em, whereas eBay can be a total crap shoot.

    Check the SRP Classifieds twice a day--in the AM & PM--before long, you'll find a razor that catches your eye, fits your budget *and* will give you an awesome first time shave!
    Morty -_-

  7. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Sweeny Todd Razor

    Hello, hsakowski:

    Welcome to SRP.

    As Robin and others suggest, before you buy anything, please do some research at SRP. That will give you a good background on straight razor shaving.

    If I may also suggest: please avoid E-Bay in the beginning, or at least until you get to know your way around the straight razor world. You can end up with a beat up butter knife instead of a good straight razor. You can buy a new razor from any of the vendors here at a relatively low price, or you can look into the Classified section.

    Please keep us informed.

  8. #8
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Such a purchase is a guaranteed way to lose 15 dollars that could have been spent here, in the classifieds, on a basic shave ready razor to start you off.

    If you wanted to shave with a similar looking razor to that of Sweeney Todd, may I suggest you first spend a couple of years learning how to shave with a straight, then get a custom blade made in the shape of Sweeney Todd's with some custom scales by John Cole. That would give you a superb shaver.

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Of course the razor in the movie was a non functional prop. However its all fantasy as there were no razors like that ever used. Don't make a mistake and buy one. read our site and educate yourself.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #10
    Member Peterazor's Avatar
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    This is might sound blasphemous. If you truly wanted to start out cheap, you could get a straight razor that takes replaceable blades like the Dovo Shavette for $30. You won't need a stop/hone just buy blades which are dirt cheap. It might not appeal to you because its modern and doesn't have the nostalgia that you're probably looking for.

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