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Thread: Astringents

  1. #1
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    Default Astringents

    I noticed that a lot of people use Thayers witch hazel after their shaves. I have read that this is an astringent. Can witch hazel replace the role of an alum block after the shave? If so, are there any benefits to using witch hazel over an alum block? Is Thayers the most recommended brand of witch hazle or are there other good brands out there? Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    I've never used an alum block, but I do like Thayer's witch
    hazel after a shave (I use the one without alcohol, which has
    some aloe in it). I also use very cold water to rinse, which
    also has the effect of closing the pores.

    I'd recommend you try both and compare, since they're both
    relatively inexpensive.

    - Scott

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  4. #3
    GUNG-HO FOR GENCOS thewatermark's Avatar
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    I have used both an alum block, and Thayer's , and ive used them both together, but it dint really make a difference too me so i just stick to Thayer's , it seems to leave my skin nice and smooth and toned. Also i just recently switched to Thayer's SuperHazel, and ive had no redness or razor burn , it cures it right up and feels great.

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  6. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Astringents

    Quote Originally Posted by altshaver View Post
    I noticed that a lot of people use Thayers witch hazel after their shaves. I have read that this is an astringent. Can witch hazel replace the role of an alum block after the shave? If so, are there any benefits to using witch hazel over an alum block? Is Thayers the most recommended brand of witch hazle or are there other good brands out there? Thanks for the help.
    Hello, Altshaver:

    I have used both astringents, alum block and witch hazel, and prefer witch hazel.

    Several brands of witch hazel are offered in various stores. Some of the brands have a fragrance, somewhat unpleasant to some gentlemen shavers. I prefer Thayers super medicated witch hazel with aloe vera (blue label). It is unscented. I use it after every shave, followed by after shave balm of choice and then aftershave.

    A number of stores carry it, including Whole Foods. I buy mine online, however, from Vitacost (

    This is good stuff and I highly recommend it.


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  8. #5
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    I have some no name witch hazel that I really like, it's my go-to astringent. I do not find a need to use any alum or other things at all after my shaves beyond the WH.

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  10. #6
    Member Bmad's Avatar
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    My exwife let me try her CO Bigelow(sp) witch hazel this weekend. I was fairly impressed. definitely enjoyed the smell and feel of it. I will be adding it to my arsenol soon.

    My girl says she does not enjoy the taste of the alum block whatsoever lol

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  12. #7
    Shaveurai Deckard's Avatar
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    I find cold rinse first.
    Then alum which stings like hell for a minute or so then cold splash once more followed by witch hazle that stinks it's no brand and very mild astringent. I've never tried Thayers but heard good things about it. I usually follow about 30 mins later with trumpers skin food.
    This ritual I have found after some years works for my skin type and shave frequency (no probs). It's worth a try but you will find what works if you keep trying stuff, and if it don't work don't do that no more!!

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  14. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Witchazel is one of those things that's been around probably since way before the last century in one form or another. It's been used for just about every skin malady. It's just plain good for your skin. Alum is different. You can use both, I do.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  16. #9
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    Thanks for all of the replies.

    I think I will try some form of Thayers witch hazel. I am a little confused on one point though. Thayers has witch hazel labeled as astringent and toner. It seems like the toner is alcohol free, which I prefer. Does the toner serve the same purpose as the astringent? Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by altshaver; 04-06-2010 at 09:42 AM.

  17. #10
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    +1 Thayer's lemon, simple, effective, pure and cheap!

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to ducaati For This Useful Post:

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